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Eric stood in front of me in all his naked glory covered in blood.

I turned around to run.

"Your friend...Liz was it?"

I stilled.


"She died so easily" he continued.

Tears filled my eyes, "You monster!"

He frowned, all taunting disappearing from his face, "Don't call me a monster. She tried to help you get away from me. She didn't understand that you were mine. She had to go."

"I'm not yours!" I screamed, my face covered in tears now, "What's your big idea? Force me to mate with you and then keep me captive for the rest of my life? I am not some property to be owned. I. Am. Not. Yours!!"

He smirked, "We'll see about that. And then he wasn't there anymore.

Grey came running up behind me at that point, in human form.

"Gracie, are you okay?"

"Grey.." was all I got out before everything went dark.



I looked down at Gracie's sleeping body in my bed, hardly believing she was real...that this wasn't just another hallucination. She was really in my bed. Not dead. Not kidnapped.

"Grey, we have to talk," Mason walked into the room.

"Not now"

"We don't have a lot of time left. We need to come up with a plan otherwise you're going to end up in prison for much longer."

He was right.

After all I was a fugitive now.

I had broken out of jail to rescue my mate.

And I had no regrets.

"Okay let's go"

I reluctantly let go of Gracie's hand that I'd been gripping and followed him out of the room into my office where Ryan was waiting for me.

"Grey, what's your plan" is the first thing out of his mouth.

I shrug, "I don't have one"

"You don't have one?" He's incredulous, "Grey, there are wanted posters for you all over town offering a reward for whoever turns you in and you don't have a plan?"

"Nobody knows where I live...only pack members do and none of them would think about turning their Alpha in"

"You don't know that"

He was right, I didn't know that. While normally, I would have full confidence in my pack members, we had recently discovered we had a traitor in our pack.

We needed a plan.

"Okay, do you guys have any ideas?"

They exchanged a look.


Mason sighed, "G, the only way to get yourself out of this is if Tamara Grace could go there and prove that you didn't kidnap her"

"Okay. So? When Gracie wakes up, I'll explain what happened to her and we can go to the station"

"That's the thing. The doctor spoke to us instead because he was afraid of what your reaction would be. He said there are a lot of drugs in her system and because of that as well as all the stress she'd had to go through for the past few weeks, he's not sure when she'll wake up."

My brain was behind in comprehension and it took a few seconds after her stopped talking for me to process what he had said, "What? What does that mean? Gracie is in a coma?"

"No, no no no," he shook his head, "She's just sleeping. But her tiredness is deep rooted - the literal definition of exhausted to her bones - she just needs rest. Just that when she'll be awake cannot be determined. We're hoping it's sooner than later"

"Good thing I chose sooner"

The voice came from the doorway.

We all turned in shock to face her.

She smiled, "Hello, boys"

Ryan and Mason rushed to hug her but I held back, smiling so hard I thought my cheeks might crack.

When she was done greeting them, she came to meet me.

"Now, I hear you are in a lot of trouble".


Gracie came to the station with me and cleared my name. I had to pay a small fine for "destroying the state's property" when I broke out but apart from that, I was free to go.

We met Gracie's parents outside the station where they once again expressed their displeasure at Gracie and I being together and warned her that she would regret it.

But that was three weeks ago. The last three weeks and been perfect. Everything was as it should be. Gracie and I had spent every literal minute together.

Until this morning when we received a message from Eric. It was quite simple,

          "Prepare for war,
  I will take back what's mine"

It wasn't unexpected really, we had been expecting something of the sort. What was surprising, however, was that he was kind enough to warn us

What was even more surprising, was when Gracie turned to me after reading the note and said, "I want to fight".


"Grey, I know you're going to say no-"


"Yes, but Grey I can do it. I'm not going to be sitting down by the sidelines like some damsel in distress while you fight what might be the biggest battle of your life."

I ran my hand over my face, hardly believing what I was hearing. "Baby, you're Luna. You won't be doing nothing. Children and other members of the pack who cannot fight will need somebody watching over them while we fight"

"Grey, this man took me and held me-"

"Alph-" one of my men walked into the room but stopped when he was Gracie, "I'm sorry. I'll wait"

She waited for him to leave the room before continuing, "That man took me and held me captive for weeks. Please..."

I sighed and told my first lie to my mate, "I'll think about it okay?"

She smiled, "That's all I'm asking for"

"I have a meeting right now, I'll see you later okay?" I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.

"Alpha, we're awaiting your orders" the man who had walked in earlier fell into step with me.

"Well then, let's get to work".

Luna Grace [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora