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Grace's POV.

I tried to push the guilt out of me as I snacked on a container of Pringles and tried to focus on my passage for the day.

Yup. My parents gave me a passage from the Bible to read every day and later discuss at dinner. Today's something about Obedience.

I read the first verse for the millionth time but it still wasn't sticking in my brain. All I could think about was how mean I'd been to Grey.

He was the only other person at the school that had even tried to talk to me after Ciara and look how I was behaving. I closed the Bible and put my head in my hands.

I was such a people pleaser; I really didn't know how to relax when I know I've hurt somebody.

I made a snap decision and covered the Pringles container and licked the salt off my fingers.

I'd never been to a football game in my life. My mother said it was a sport for boys and she saw no reason why a good girl would want to watch boys.

I met mum in the kitchen; stirring something on the stove. Dad wasn't back from work yet.

"Hey sweetie" she said when she noticed me. "Help me shred the cabbage, will you?"

I carried the ball from the counter to the sink to wash it first. I had no idea how to even begin this conversation "So mum, there's a football game in school tonight."

"Hmm, that's nice" She flicked the spoon over her palm and tasted it.

"Ciara is going." At least that was true. My parents already heard about Ciara at the dinner table the night before. Everybody talked about their day at the table. I hadn't mentioned Grey, though.

"We haven't met Ciara"

"She's good, I promise mum" I decided to just come right out with it ; "CanIpleasegotothegame?"

She was chopping tomatoes now. She didn't answer me.


She put the knife down and finally looked at me "Tamara Grace; what business do you have at a football game? Huh? You wore jeans yesterday and now this? We only just moved here and you're already rebelling"

I lowered my head. She was right. I was about to go to a football game just because of a boy. "I'm sorry"

I had finished shredding the cabbage. I dried my hands on a dish towel and went back up to my room. I sat down at my desk and picked up the Bible.

I had finally gotten to the seventh verse when my phone dinged with a new message. I never got messages.

I swiped at the screen:

UNKNOWN: Hey b! Please tell me ure coming 2 the game!!

It wasn't that hard to figure out who it was after reading the message considering I had only just given Ciara my number that day. I quickly saved her number before replying.

Me: My mum said no. Sorry

Her reply was almost instantaneous;

Cee: Cmoooooon. U seriously cant be thinking of missing the first game!

Me: Well I don't even have a choice. I'd have to pass my mum to get out the front door.

Cee: Well, then go out the window

Me: What??

Cee: Well if I remember correctly, there should be a huge oak tree right outside the window in your room

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