You did what?!

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Lucy's pov :

'I-I did what?' I asked. I would never do that. And who was he even talking about.

'With who?' I asked.

'That Nick guy.' Raven answered.

'I was his first time?' I asked

'Yes you were. And you broke him.' Raven answered.

'I-I didn't know that it was... I would never do that.'

'But you did.' Ralph said.

I looked down at the ground thinking about how he must feel. Why do I even care.

'He hadn't told me that it was.' I defended myself.

'Because he thought that it was your's to.' Ralph said in an angry way.

'How could I possibly know that?'

'You could've just asked him.'

'Ooh please. Like you would ever ask that.' I said

'Yes, I would.'

'What did he do after he searched for me?'

' he went to that An's house and asked her for your phone number. He called you but you obviously didn't answer your phone, so he and Mell went to your apartment but you also didn't answer the door. And then they realised that they don't know your last name.

'Did they get in my apartment?' I asked.

'Yes they did and they searched for a letter where your last name was on. So congratulations they now know that you are Lucy Morningstar.'

'How did they find out? I don't have any letters in my house. I do have a few papers but those are in my car.'

'You forgot about the box with memories. They opened that box and only took the first thing out. But your little boyfriend found the letter that you wrote for Maze and found it weird that you talked about hell, so he waited till the other two were gone and looked into the box.'  Raven explained

'So he knows.'  Ralph added.

I sighed.

'How are we going to fix this?' I asked

'We are not doing anything. You are going to clean up your mess.'

'I've helped you guys multiple times and you don't even want to help me?' I asked.

'We would help you, but you've gone way to far. Kill a human here, steal a car there, hurt someone there. You need to stop.' Raven said

'You do not get to say what I can and can't do Raven.'

'Fix it yourself.' Raven said. He then turned around, opened the door and flew out.

I turned back to Ralph.

Raven's pov :

I've had enough of this. It's time that Lucifer gets involved. I flew over to his room and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later he opened it and letted me in.

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