Earth, here I come!

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Lucy was sitting in the throne of hell wondering when her father is finally coming back to take this depressing place back over. 'It was already 2 human years longer than he said.' Lucy tough

'It really is getting on my nerves.' She shouted so that probably everyone in hell heard it. 'Maybe I just need to go to earth myself, look a bit around to see what has become of that terrible place and than just go home with dad by my side' she whispered to herself.

The next week went exactly the same, waking up, drinking some tasty stuff and punishing souls...or demons. And on Thursday it's Monopoly day, the day I go to a random soul and play a monopoly game...'But it sucks, I'm so sick of being in this place!' she shouted for the second time in one hour.

In the meanwhile on earth:

'Lucifer are you home?' Chloe asked while walking out of the elevator 'There is a new case, I taught you would by interested to come.'
'I'm coming, I'm coming' Lucifer yells while putting his shoes on 'Alright  I'm ready, about what is the case?' 'It's about a murder in a restaurant where 26 other people witnessed the whole thing, only one man was killed.' Chloe answered his question.  'That sound kinda interesting.' Lucifer said with a smile on his face. 'Lets go then'

When they arrived at the restaurant, they went straight to Ella to ask the information and details.
'Okay, okay so here's how it happened' she started 'the man named Bob, was sitting on this chair and got shot from that angle. He wasn't dead yet, so the killer went straight to the kitchen took a knife and threw it right at his chest. And  BANG he's dead. After the person killed him, he or she took his money and just walked away.' She explained. Chloe and Lucifer both charred a look and started to question the witnesses. They ware finally done questioning and al they found out is that the murderer was a girl with dark brown or black hair, between her 15-25 and around 5.5 feet / 1,67m.
'It does remind me of someone.' Lucifer said while thinking of his daughter 'But there is no way that she did this.' he added. 'Are you a sure?' Chloe asked with a frown, Lucifer just nodded.
'It couldn't possible be Lucy...right?' He thought while taking a sip of his flask...

Two hours before the man was killed : in hell:

'Okay, you know what?' Lucy said while brushing her hair 'I'm going right now, to earth!'

She took a gun and a few of her favourites knifes (that Maze got her) and threw them into a bag. After she did that she took the bag, went to the demons and said that she was going to get her father back. And that the demons needed to behave themselves while she was gone. Most demons nodded in fear and they said their goodbyes. Lucy walked to the gates of hell, looked behind her and said: 'When I comme back, your old one will be back too.'
She looked one last time behind her and made the jump to earth.

'Earth here I come!' She shouted.

She landed on earth, in the place where her dad said he was going on a 'vacation'.
She rolled her eyes as a little human came over to her. 'Are those wings real?' The little girl asked.
'Of course they are' Lucy began 'are you blind or have you not any brain cells in that ugly little head of yours?' She finished her sentence. The child started crying and ran to her dad 'Daddy, Daddy' she shouted 'That girl was mean to me.' She said while pointing her finger in Lucy's direction. The father whipped the tears off his daughters face and walked over to Lucy, who had already put her wings back in place, while holdings his daughter's hand. 'Are you the one that made my baby girl cry?' He asked while making fists 'I asked you, Did. You. Hurt. My. Baby!' He repeated yelling. 'Ehm, possibly yes, if you don't keep your little dirty animal on a leash, it's walking in everyone's bloody way.' The brunette said calm 'Oh and just so you know, your making your 'baby girl' scared' she said with a childish voice and pointed at his fists. The man looked at his daughter and saw that she was indeed scared. He glanced at Lucy and walked angry away.

'Well was a good start.' Lucy sighed, and looked around.
She was laying on the beach, there were no other people, except for a man in a suit.
'Wel, wel he looks like he has money, lots of money.' She whispered to herself while walking slowly to the man and observing what exactly he was doing. He was just sitting there, in the sand, while texting someone. Suddenly he jumped up and walked in one direction, straight to a restaurant. She followed him until he walked in the restaurant and sat down at a table for four people to be exact. 'There isn't anyone else sitting at the table, so he's probably waiting for someone.' Lucy thought while watching every move he makes. Suddenly a waitress comes to his table and asked him something. 'Probably what he wants to eat cause he's giving the menu back' She said to herself and getting a strange look from a human that walked by. She of course doesn't care, she was to buzzy stalking the man in the suit. The waitress walked back to the kitchen and came back with the check. Suitman goes into his pocket and takes a big stack of 500 euro bills out. He gives one to the waitress and put the rest back in his pocked. 'Well, what are the odds.' she said with a small smile on her face. 'Well I guess, thank you grandfather.' The brunette said while looking at the sky. 'You did for once a good thing.' She looked around to see if there aren't any cops nearby, she than casually took her gun out her bag.

( A : Hi thank you for reading the first chapter! I hope you liked it!!  Xx )

Words : 1050

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