▒22▒ 🔸 Meeting The Emperor - 2 🔸

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The emperor's chamber, which was so loud a moment ago, is dead quite now..No one's talking anything...

In my previous life, this hell of conversation didn't happened.. Because, I danced with the Prince that time.. The emperor was quite happy that time and proposed a marriage..
But now, as I didn't danced with the Prince, it hurt his pride as an emperor..

What does he want..?

I don't think it's simply because I didn't danced with the Prince..
I guess it's also because I didn't interact with the Prince..I ignored him and I was with Izana the whole time..The emperor surely plant some eyes there...

Because, it was his intention from the beginning...he wanted some interaction between me and Eger..Only then, he can talk about us being together freely..

Because, it's also beneficial for the emperor to have the child of Oracle, as the Crown Prince's fiance..


But he will surely forget about me when the other one arrives..when she arrives...

So, I don't want to do the same mistakes as before...Because, this time, I chose myself before anyone...

Suddenly, Duke Audrian speaks again..

"Why not discuss the actual matter, that we are here for.."

He looked at the emperor while saying that..

The emperor looks pissed but smiled anyway and said...

"Ahh..Sorry...ahahahaaa..maybe I scared the little lady...don't worry, you can relax now.."

I somehow don't know how to answer him back...so I keep quiet..
It's really suffocating.. I want to go home...

"Anisha De Verita! Daughter of Simon and Iana De Verita... A lovely lady from Verita house.. Do you know why I called you today?"

The emperor said looking at me..judging my every action..

I clamly answered..

"Yes your majesty..."

"Oh! Then why don't you tell me about it..."


"Yeah..you tell me, why did I called you.."

A sigh escaped from my mouth.. Too much pressure for my tiny brain..

I answered clamly...

"You want me to get engaged with the Crown Prince.."

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