▒90▒ 🔹 The Aftermath 🔹

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   Anisha and Izana went home with their families after the hunting tournament was canceled. They both needed time to heal from their physical and emotional wounds.

Anisha was treated by her family doctor, who cleaned and bandaged her cuts and bruises. She was also given some herbs and potions to ease her pain and calm her nerves.

Izana was taken to a hospital, where he underwent a surgery. He had lost a lot of blood and was in a critical condition for a while. He was given blood transfusions and antibiotics to prevent infection. He was also given some magic stones to help him heal faster. He was lucky that the boar had not hit any major arteries or organs, or he would have died.

He spent his days in his room, recovering from his injury. He was visited by the Grand Ducal couples who were worried about him. He was also visited by some of his friends, nobles, who brought him flowers and gifts. He appreciated their concern and kindness, but the one he wanted to meet was Anisha..

He wondered how she was doing, and if she was safe. He wanted to tell her that he didn't regret saving her life and that he would do it again if he had to.

He hoped that she would come to see him soon.

Days turned into a week, and Izana's anticipation grew stronger. He waited patiently, hoping for Anisha to walk through the door at any moment, but she didn't come. His room, filled with flowers and gifts, seemed empty and lonely.

Izana's concern deepened as he realized that Anisha might be facing challenges of her own. He knew that their bond was strong, and her absence weighed heavily on his heart. He spent his time reminiscing about their shared times and jokes, trying to keep his spirits up while worry gnawed at him.

With each passing day, Izana found himself glancing at the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Anisha's familiar figure. He missed her laughter, her energy, and the sense of comfort that came with her presence. He wondered if something was wrong or if she was simply caught up in her responsibilities.

As he lay there, he realized that their friendship was more important than ever. It started as a curiosity, but their bond became deeper and deeper. He hoped that when Anisha did show up, they could pick up where they left off.

"Hahh ~
Ann! What the hell are you doing right now?"

Izana sighed..


[The day of the boar attack]

That day, Anisha returned home with her father, Marquis Verita, from the hunting tournament that was canceled because of the boar attack.

The sun cast a warm golden glow across the Verita estate. The lingering scent of damp earth from the canceled hunting tournament still clung to Anisha's clothing, a reminder of the fateful encounter with the wild boar. The atmosphere in the grand mansion felt heavy, weighed down by worry.

Anisha was worried sick about Izana, her best friend, who had been injured by a wild boar while protecting her from its attack. She had seen him bleeding profusely and being carried away by the royal healers. She had wanted to go with him, but her father, Marquis Verita, had stopped her and told her to stay calm and wait for the news first.

Anisha sat restlessly in her room. Her room was tastefully adorned with rich tapestries, their colors muted by the fading daylight. The scent of aged oak from the finely crafted furniture mingled with the faint aroma of a freshly extinguished hearth fire. The shadows danced across the room, mirroring the unrest in Anisha's heart.

She had waited for what seemed like an eternity until finally a messenger came and told her that Izana was out of danger.

Anisha's nerves finally relaxed after hearing the news. Relief flooded through Anisha like a river breaking through a dam, carrying away the weight of worry that had burdened her. The gentle sigh of the wind outside seemed to carry the news to every corner of the mansion as if the very walls themselves exhaled in relief.

She was glad that Izana was alive and now out of danger. She wanted to run to him at that moment but her father told her that Izana is still unconscious after the surgery. So he advised her to meet him the next morning. She accepted the advice and decided to meet Izana the next morning.

Anisha, emotionally drained but relieved by the news of Izana's safety, retreated to her room. The soft, familiar embrace of her bed cradled her as the gentle aroma of roses wafted through the window. The last thing she heard was the soft hush of the wind outside, a gentle reminder of the world beyond her window. Her tired body couldn’t take it anymore and Anisha fell asleep just like that..

That night, a terrifying dream left Anisha trembling. Though she couldn't recall the details, the fear lingered, making the mere thought of visiting Izana impossible. The grip of that dream was too real, too terrifying to ignore. Too real to think of it only as a dream. Was it really a dream?


A/N : Hey guys ~

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