▒21▒ 🔸 Meeting The Emperor - 1 🔸

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(Anisha's POV)

The door keepers announced our arrival..and after a while we went in..

As we walked in I shivered a little...Because, now we are infront of the Emperor...

"We greet the Emperor, the sun of the empire"

Father and I , both greet the emperor..

'.....huh? Why is it so quite? Why isn't he telling us to rise?'

We both are still bowing our head...this is very disrespectful... What's wrong with the emperor?

After a while the emperor finally spoke

"You may rise..."

As we raised our head, I looked straight to the emperor to catch his expressions..which was kind of disrespectful as well...but I couldn't help it...

When I looked at him, his face looked clam..no expressions can be seen..
But, if you look carefully, you can see his eyes are smiling with mockery..

What the hell..?
Did I do something wrong..?
I was dumbfounded..

In my previous life, I was very fond of the emperor..
He was such a great ruler..The whole empire was peaceful because of his great skills.................or is it??


Suddenly I heard something from the left side of the hall..

Here here!!! I'm here!!!"

A lite whisper...
I looked at the direction.. Oh?
It was Marquis Patrickson..he was waving his hands violently and only got slapped on his hand by Marquis Bellacian..

They weren't that far, but I didn't noticed them when I got here..

There's another person as well..


Black hair..
A very dark black color with undertones of Red..It shines red when the hair moves..And Red eyes..Not your typical Ruby Red..but more of a blood red..

You will get a chill down your spine with a single glimpse.. But you gonna still find it gorgeous..

It's like, how the fly finds the fire gorgeous and approach it, knowing it's dangerous..

It didn't took me much time to realize who the person is..

It's Grand Duke Audrian De Castillo..

But Why!!
He wasn't here in my previous life!!

As I was looking at him subconsciously, our eyes met..


I quickly looked at the floor.. Damn!!
I'm so nervous today...Even though I thought everything will be fine and I was in a fighting spirit, but I'm losing it now.....slowly...

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