▒44▒ 🔹 The Oracle - 2 🔹

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Now that the first child appeared, they knew that the other two will come sooner as well..

As the waiting and pampering the first child of fate is going on, aristocrats pressured the emperor to try again.. Because the protection of the Sun can only fell upon to the Royal blood..

The other kingdoms and empires were also excitedly waiting for the next news.. Because, other kingdoms already knew that the Beatrice Empire is the most blessed land here..
It got most of the goddess's blessings.. And even after goddess got angry of that land, she still didn't crush it and the Beatrice Empire never lost its glory and power over other empires..

And after hundreds of years later, someone finally getting the blessings and the protection altogether is a big event for everyone..

Other empires were curious and scared at the same time..

As the time passed, two months after the Verita household blessed with the Moon child, the Second Child of Fate appeared..

A Baron family, who lost their fame and land, and with so many debts..

The Second child of fate born in the Baron family of Laontelle..

On a windy mid-night, the dark night sky suddenly brightened when numerous stars beamed with happiness..

Though it was for only a brief moment, but the whole empire got the chance to experience this beautiful sight..

The beautiful cry of the newborn girl and the twinkling stars made it clear that the Second Child of Fate arrived with the protection of the Star..

As the two children of fate arrived, but the most important one is still left..

The child who is supposed to born first..

The emperor and empress tried again and again for another child but nothing happened..

More than half a year had passed..

The two kids start to grow up slowly..

As the time passed by, the year eventually ended and a new fresh year approached..

People were still patiently waiting for the last child of fate to be born..

As the days passed by slowly but surely, peoples patience start to crack.. Some even dared to offer unmarried ladies from their household to become emperors concubine and produce children.. Because the empress couldn't get pregnant again, as if this is what the goddess wants...

It was almost a year since the two blessed kids were born..

Just one month before the birthday of the first child of fate, something happened..

The dark clouds gathered, the Scarlet lighting split the thick clouds, and a heavy rain was approaching..

Felt like the heavy thunders were shaking the core of the earth..

That heavy rainfall continued for five days straight..

People couldn't differ day and night..

The sixth day the rain suddenly stopped at the dawn and a bright sun raised slowly and brightly after seven loud thunder back to back brightened the sky..

Not only the Beatrice Empire but also the other empires watched the show..

As the sun raised after those loud morning thunders, the sky glowed brightly and beautifully.. Looking at it no one can tell that it's been raining cats and dogs for the past five days..

The past five days people never saw the sun...like the sun doesn't exist..
Only rain, thunder and darkness..

Then when on the sixth day the rain suddenly stopped and a bright sun smiled after hiding for a few days, people already guessed what just happened..

It didn't took time for them to realize that another miracle happened...as the Final Child of Fate arrived with the protection of the Sun..

But where?

The emperor didn't took a concubine..

And the current empress didn't get pregnant again....then who? And where??

As the child cried its first cry, the nature itself lead the people to the place where that newborn belongs..

The house of Castillo..

The Castle of the Grand Duke shone brightly and the roar of the Sun child could be heard everywhere..

People didn't questioned the fact that why the child of the Grand Duke born under the protection of the Sun, because they already know that the grand ducal family also has the Royal blood on their veins..

People just forgot the fact because the other half of their blood is devils..

Seems like the grand duke himself forgot the fact..

A little more than 700 year ago, the crown princess of the Beatrice empire fall in love with the devil king..

So when their child was born, he was born with half human (Royal) and half devil blood..

This forbidden love between a Human and a Devil was a long complicated story.. (I'm gonna unfold it another day)

So this is how the grand ducal heirs became half blooded....With monstrous strengths...

So, after the last and final child of fate was born in the house of Castillo, the tables turned completely..

The newborn ducal heir became the most powerful being overnight..

Well, even if that child wasn't born with blessings, that child would still become someone to be fear of because of its Devil blood..

That child hold more power than the emperor himself.. People turned from everything and made their ultimate goal to gain favor from that newborn child..

Even emperors from the other countries, allies and enemies, both sent numerous gifts, some even came to visit personally wanting to gain favor from that child..

Being a half blood, Castillos were always something to be fear of.. Even after the curse appeared and 70 percent of their powers got sealed, they were still more powerful than anyone with full power..

So, when the devil blooded child of fate was born in the Castillo house, with the goddess blessing and protection of the Sun, it was actually something to be fear of..

People were already seeing the newborn as their next ruler..

But the grand Duke declared that, this child will be the heir of the grand dukedom, so connecting this child to the throne is strictly prohibited..

But still the Sun child's popularity never lowered a bit..

Even at this time aswell......when that kid is no longer with them..

People still remembers that kid and sigh in sadness..

The Sun child is gone forever..


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