Chapter 38: Stucky

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Every day since I had stumbled upon floor 57, I had been waking up early  and visiting the pool. Everyone knew that if they needed to find me, I was on floor 57. I was casually flipping off the diving board when Nat came in. I surfaced and swam over to her.
"Hey Abs."
"What do you need?"
"Steve and Bucky want you for Flash." I smiled.
"Yes! Finally we can watch the season finale!" I pumped my fist. I pulled myself out of the pool and wrapped a towel around myself. I stood in the drying machine. Something dad had made because I had the habit of not drying myself off, and dripping everywhere. I was dry in seconds. I pulled a sweater over my head and quickly ran upstairs. I leaped up on the couch and snuggled between my Flash buddies. We started to watch. Once we were done, we started the next season. Dinner was delivered, and we kept watching. Eventually I felt myself drift off to sleep, the darkness consuming me.

Steve POV:
Abby had fallen asleep between us. She was snoring softly, a piece of her hair blowing up and down in front of her face. I smiled.
"Hey Buck."
"Yeah?" Bucky tore his eyes away from the screen. His eyes softened when he saw Abby.
"Should we move her?" He asked.
"No I think it's ok. She looks comfy, I don't want to wake her." We kept watching. Eventually I felt myself get tired. I adjusted the sleeping girl on my lap. My head drooped and I felt it land on a shoulder. Suddenly hands started to run through my hair. I sighed.
"Hey Steve?" I heard Bucky whisper.
"Do you think this was her plan all along?" I looked up at him. Then down at the peaceful girl.
"Probably. So, Bucky. Will you go on a date with me?"
"Of course." He leaned down and pecked me on the lips. I smiled. Best night ever.

Tony POV:
I came I got the common room to find Steve, Bucky and Abby all sleeping on the couch. Steve's head was on Bucky's shoulder and Abby  had her head on Bucky's lap and her feet on Steve's. I smiled.
"Friday?" I whispered.
"Yes sir?"
"Please take a picture."
"Of course." My whispering woke Abby up. She blinked slowly. Then saw me.
"Morning." She said sleepily.
"More like night. Come on let's get you to bed." She then noticed the two men on the couch. She smiled.
"My plan worked. I'm really playing matchmaker." I quietly chuckled.
"Yeah kid. Who's next though?" She looked confused.
"I have to think about it." She yawned and stumbled into my arms.
"Alright time for bed." I picked her up and walked her to her room. I set her in her bed.
"Hey dad?"
"Yeah Abs?"
"I love you." The words melted my heart.
"Love you too squirt."
"Can you stay with me? I don't want nightmares."
"Of course." I laid down and she snuggled against me. Soon I heard her soft breathing. She was asleep. It was hard to stay awake after that. I drifted off to sleep.

Abby POV:
I woke up without being plagued my nightmares. I felt some warm arms around me. I looked over and saw dad. I quickly shifted out of his arms, leaving him to sleep. I looked at the clock, 7:46. Too early for a weekend. I walked into the kitchen. No one was up yet, seeing as it was only 8 o'clock and they needed their beauty sleep, or coffee. Usually coffee. I saw Bucky and Steve asleep on the couch. Mission accomplished I guess. Then Nat came out of her room.
"Morning." I said as I pulled an apple out of the fridge.
"Hey." She looked over at the sleeping couple. "Finally. Took them long enough."
"I know right."
"And I guess we can thank you for that?"
"Well I contributed. Made them get together alone. They were the ones who actually did the asking." Nat nodded. "You wanna come to the pool with me?" I asked.
"Sure why not?" So we got into our bathing suits and went down to floor 57. I jumped in immediately. Doing a cannonball and sending a splash over the side. Nat jumped in after me, doing a graceful dive. We splashed and raced until we were both exhausted. We climbed out, dried off and went back up to the common room. We found stacks of waffles on the counter, and everyone gathered around.
"Hey I need some of those!" I protested, squirming in between people and grabbing all the waffles I could get my hands on.
"Not our fault you were gone." Clint mumbled with a mouth full of waffle. I glared at him and wolfed down two waffles. Then I saw Steve and Bucky holding hands under the table. I grinned.
"You'll never guess what happened last night." I told Clint. I had everyone's attention.
"What?" Clint perked up, intrigued.
"Well," I told them what had happened last night. Steve cheeks went red and Bucky looked like he was going to die from embarrassment.
"Finally!" Everyone shouted.
"I was wondering when this would happen Cap." Clint patted him on the back. "And the matchmaker strikes again." He added, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Two in one week. I'm on a roll." I smiled.
"Who next?"
"Not sure yet. I'll figure it out."

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