Chapter Forty Five

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"How long has it been since we last went home together? And even now it's only because you had stuff to do until this late." I asked Tay as he watched people pass by through the car's window. "Are you still going to say it's nothing?" 

Tay sighed but uttered no word. 

"I've started looking for jobs but I can't apply until we get our semester exam's result." I informed him after waiting for his reply for a long time. "Until then, there's no other choice."

"There's no way newbies like us can get such a high paying job anywhere else." He supplied after another long silence. 

"He's keeping me in the office until midnight, every single day. He even asked me to go to the office on the weekend, again. This week I didn't even get the chance to talk to grandma or Nicolas. Raymond is definitely trying to-" 

"To make you work? Well, that's a given since he'll be paying us." Tay supplied, sounding annoyed. 

My eyes narrowed and I tightened my hold on the steering wheel. "I'm not the only one who'll get paid."

Tay's sigh agitated me even more than his words did. "Blue, I didn't want to say this, but it sounds really childish to hear you complain about working overtime. Even though he has already stated that you'll be getting extra paid for it." 

"That's not even the point here. The thing is he has been keeping me at his beck and call like I'm his PA. I'm an intern, a paid one but still an intern and I should only be working with him on the project like everyone else."

Another sigh of his made me clamp my mouth shut in frustration. It was difficult to accept the fact that this had already become a topic that we would never agree upon, not anytime soon at least. 

"Look, if Raymond is the problem here, I can try to talk to my project head to let you in on the team. He's a pretty nice guy and I'm sure he wouldn't mind." 

His stare forced me to respond despite my prior determination to drop the subject already. "Raymond probably wouldn't agree." 

"You don't know that for sure." He suggested. 

I wanted to shake my head and tell him that I did. I knew he wouldn't, just like I knew what he was trying to do by keeping in the office for all of my waking hours. Instead of ranting like I wanted to, I just shrugged, not wanting to start our argument all over again. 

"I'll call him tomorrow. Or maybe it'll be better to talk in person." He wondered out loud before focusing his attention back to the passing by vehicles. 


"My dad messaged me today." Tay informed me excitedly before joining me on the couch with his plate. 

The subject piqued my attention and I turned to look at him. "He did?" 

Tay nodded, his eyes lit up and he smiled widely. "He just asked me how I am doing, but I think we'll be talking again now."

"That's great." I answered, feeling happy for him. "And Aaron?" 

Watching his smile faltering was painful as he shook his head. 

"He'll come around too." I assured him as an idea popped up in my head. 

He barely shrugged in reply, choosing to focus on his food instead. 

"Let's try something else from this restaurant next time." Tay suggested after he had taken a few bites. 

I hummed, more focused on my phone as I scrolled through Instagram. I remembered that Tay had also stalked Aaron on Instagram earlier and even told me about it. Since I still didn't have his number, trying to find him on Instagram was my next best bet. Though Tay had shown me his videos before, I never got around to following him or even trying to find him. 

Even after Tay had gone to bed and my food had gotten cold long before, I still hadn't found Aaron. To start off, I wasn't even sure about his last name or anything else that could've helped me. After scrolling through countless of Aaron for what seemed like a long time, I finally found the right one or so it looked like. The account was private and there wasn't anything other than his name and tiny profile picture displayed. 

When a yawn escaped me, I requested to follow him without another thought and decided to head to bed and wait until the morning. 


Sometime in the middle of the night, I heard my phone ring loudly right beside my ear. The continuous ringing roused me and I blindly reached for my phone beside my pillow. An incoherent grumbled was followed as soon as I picked up the call without looking at the name flashing. 

I mumbled another drowsy 'hello' when I received no reply while continuing to struggle to open my still shut eyes. The next 'hello' was tinged with annoyance and I had no other choice but to finally look at the screen to see who called. 

Marco's blurry name on the screen woke me up right away. I rubbed and blinked my eyes to make sure I saw right and placed the phone back on my ear. "Nicolas? Is that you?" 

When a quiet and hesitant 'yes' followed my question, I sat up straight. 

"Is everything okay? Shouldn't you be asleep? It's past midnight." I couldn't help but panic as I tried to figure out what was going on. 

He stayed silent and I thought the call had gotten disconnected. Just as I was about to check, he spoke again. "I thought- I'm sorry I woke you up. I just wanted to ask how you are doing." 

"I'm doing well. I was going to call you tomorrow-" I stopped when I remembered the time. "Today actually, in the morning."

"Is it your day off?" He asked, monotonously. 

Though I could feel like something was off, I tried to talk to him more before prying. "It is. The last time we talked was my last to last day off. It's already been over a week. And no, texting doesn't count. One, you don't even like it and two, I didn't get to hear your voice." 

I waited for a long time to hear his reply but much to my dismay I received none. "Nicolas? You still there?" 

He still didn't reply and I was sure something was wrong. "Nicolas?" 

Just as I was about to call his name again, the call got disconnected. I tried to call him again but the phone had been turned off. It only increased my worries and I couldn't help but think of worst case scenarios that could've happened. Even though I didn't even want to think about it, the weird thoughts kept occurring to me over and over again. 

I was laying awake for the rest of the night, just calling Nicolas every few minutes to make sure he was okay. A few hours later after calling and texting Nicolas, I must have dozed off without realising as the next thing I knew Tay was knocking on my door over and over again. 

The first thing I did as soon as I could focus my blurry vision was check my phone, there was still no reply from Nicolas. I slumped back into my bed with a loud sigh. 

Guess I was loud enough to be heard by Tay on the other side of the door. His knocking stopped, instead his muffled words were heard past the door. My tired brain barely understood his question and I whined in response before finally opening the door. 

"I'm ordering pizza." He announced as soon as I opened the door. 

"For breakfast?" I asked in disbelief. 

He nodded with a wide grin. 

"Don't order for me. I don't feel like eating." 

His smile lessened and he raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure?" 

I nodded and forced a smile. As soon as he turned to walk away, I quietly closed my door back again. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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