Chapter Four

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It was the first time I was having breakfast alone since I arrived. Grandma seemed to be busy during the mornings after the first few days of my arrival. Each time after serving breakfast for Marco and I, she'd leave after making some kind of an excuse.

I knew she was making excuses because one time she said she was going to the market, but when she came back an hour later, she was empty-handed. Not only that, she also seemed to be in a bad, almost pissed mood every time she came home. Marco usually stayed until she came back and silently left after she did.

It didn't feel okay to ask her about it and hence, she continued to leave Marco and I alone to have breakfast. Our breakfast conversation usually consisted of random facts about Marco's brother and weird questions he'd started asking me. Overall, I was starting to get used to it.

Except this morning, it didn't feel right to eat alone. Grandma had been gone for almost an hour. And all this time, I was waiting for Marco with his congee already served. It had gone cold since a while ago and I hadn't bothered to heat it up again. I was pretty sure he wouldn't be coming over this time, it was already past our usual breakfast time.

I covered both the bowls with plates and decided to wait for them outside, just like grandma was waiting for me when I arrived. Now I knew why she chose to sit on the porch instead of waiting inside, waiting inside a quiet house seemed more difficult.

After locking the front door after me, I settled down on the porch with my legs stretched in front of me. It was the first time I'd been out of the house since I came back. It wasn't exactly outside as I was still sitting on the porch, but I had been so busy with studying and helping grandma with household chores that I didn't even think about going out. But now, sitting on the porch and looking over at the street, I remembered the times I used to go on the walk with grandma. I missed those times.

The nostalgia made me want to go and check out if the woods still looked the same. I wondered if the trail we used to walk on was still there. I got up and made sure the door was shut properly before getting down the stairs. After going to the backside of the house, I crossed the backyard until I entered the forest.

The huge trees around me brought forth a calming feeling in me. The trail we used to follow still looked the same, despite being less used now. Or maybe grandma was still going for a walk in here? I hadn't seen her do that since I arrived though.

Following the trail, I focused on the birds chirping all around me and the dry leaves and sticks cracking beneath my feet occasionally. The smell of nature made me want to take in deep breaths and hold it in for as long as possible, just like I used to. I couldn't keep the grin off my face when I saw a rabbit pass by my side, running ahead of me quickly. Soon, another rabbit followed the first one closely. They seemed to be playing around with each other.

I remembered the time I promised grandma to get her one of the rabbits and chased after the group of them the whole day. As expected, I couldn't catch one and I was so tired by the end of our walk that grandma had to carry me back home. The memory made me chuckle, until I heard someone yelling on my right.

"I'm saying this for the last time, accept him or move away. Stop torturing yourself like this!" I turned to my right in surprise.

From in between the loosely packed trees, came a half naked guy. He was stomping his way over to me, with his head bent down. His long dark hair covered the front of his face and reached below his neck.

The only clothing he wore was the shorts riding low on his hips. The rest of him was perfectly tanned and muscled. He wasn't wearing any kind of shoes either. He seemed to be beyond furious if his loud footsteps were anything to go by.

The way he continued to charge toward me, made me take a few steps back hurriedly. I didn't stop until I hit a tree with my back. As if sensing that, he stopped in his tracks and slowly looked up.

His hazel coloured eyes widened as soon as they met mine. Despite the fact that most part of his face was still covered with his long dark hair, I could see his eyes peeking past his locks. It'd be a lie if I were to say that his eyes weren't the most beautiful ones I have ever seen.

None of us dared to look away from each other, as if caught in a trance. All of me wished that he would just remove his hair from his face to let me see him completely. I couldn't even think of anything but that. I needed him to do so.

I didn't blink until he did, afraid that he was just a figment of my imagination and that he'd disappear as soon as I blinked. This man looked too beautiful to be real and standing in front of me, although a few feet away.

"You're the Alpha. You need to take the responsibility." The yelled sentences made him flinch. He broke eye contact with me and turned around.

His back was fully inked with more muscles hidden underneath the tanned skin. Tattoos of different shapes and sizes covered all of his back. Most of those seemed to be following some kind of pattern. But before I could've focused on it, I saw someone else stepping out of the rows of trees from the corner of my eyes.

Marco was dressed in his usual sleeveless t-shirt and trousers, but he seemed to be just as furious as the man standing in front of me. The usual smiling Marco was nowhere to be seen. He, too, was charging towards the man until he saw me. He stopped in his tracks right away and tried to force a smile on his face despite his obvious anger and shock.

"Uh, Blue, what are you doing here?" He asked, coming over with slow and gentle steps as if approaching a scared child.

I couldn't even keep my eyes on him, much less answer him. My eyes continued to go back to the guy's back in front of me, it was almost like I couldn't control my senses anymore.

Marco didn't stop until he was standing in front of me, the guy's inked back hidden away from my view. They stood with their back touching closely and I saw Marco hold the guy's hand for a moment before he moved his hand away. The guy started walking back from where he came from almost immediately after that. His moving figure barely visible past Marco.

"Who's that? What are you doing here?" I couldn't help but ask Marco as soon as the guy was completely out of my sight, hidden among the huge trees once again.

"That's my brother. We were just taking a stroll. What about you?" Marco answered and moved forward until he stood a few inches away from me. He extended his hands and pulled on mine.

It made me realize that I was holding the tree behind me with both of my hands. Removing my hands from the trunk, I rubbed the palms together to ease the pain. Apparently it was a tight hold too.

Marco took a few steps back. "What about you? What brought you here?"

"I was taking a stroll too." My eyes drifted back to the way he came from. "That's Nicolas? Didn't you say he was out of town?"

When I didn't hear any reply, I looked back at Marco to see him smiling at me. "What?"

Marco just shook his head. "He came back yesterday."

"Oh. And why was he looking like real life Tarzan?" I was no longer even trying to look at Marco at this point. There was no use, I couldn't resist the urge to look for him anymore.

"Why all these questions? You looked like you were scared of him."

His words made me close my eyes and lean back against the tree. "I don't know. I- it feels weird."

What I didn't tell him was that I could still feel my heart racing. I had no idea if it was because of the fear or something else. I didn't even understand what I was feeling and why I was curious. How was I supposed to explain it to him then?

"Well, how about I take you back and we'll talk there?" Marco suggested.

I just nodded my head before following him back home in silence.


You're beautiful. Thanks for reading!

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