Chapter Nine

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It took me some time to muster the courage to lift my head and hand up to greet everyone. I waved at them and muttered a barely audible 'hello'. Much to my surprise, a lot of them started smiling at me instantly and few of them even waved back, including the kids in the queues.

I couldn't help but smile wide when the youngest kid in the front gave me a toothless smile. I waved back at him and soon he started walking toward me. His legs wobbled every few every few steps, even though he was practicing with the rest of them as if he had been doing it for a long time.

I took a few steps forward without realizing every time he looked like he was about to trip. Despite my worries, he managed to reach me without any issue. I bent down and smiled looking at his missing front tooth.

He rested his hands over my bent knees and leaned forward. "Tobi." He said and pointed to himself.

Mimicking him, I said my name and pointed at myself too.

He giggled and it had to be the most comforting sound I've ever heard. My own smile widened when he caught my hand in between both of his and started pulling me forward. I had to bend my back to keep my hand held between his when I got up and started following him.

He took me to the queued up kids in the middle and introduced me to each of them. He pointed at each kid he introduced and said their name before pointing to me and saying my name. By the time we were done, all the kids had a bright smile on their faces and I'd heard my name being said enough times to last me a lifetime.

"Are you Marco's friend?" One of them - a teenage boy asked all of a sudden.

The question caught me off guard. Since I arrived the only other person I had been around beside grandma was him, but that was only because he kept coming over and now he had dragged me here to see Nicolas. It didn't seem like we were hanging out because we wanted to.

"Of course he is." Marco replied, halting my train of thoughts. He walked toward us and stood beside me, draping his arm over my shoulder again.

I looked down at Tobi and saw him staring at Marco's arm intensely. I ruffled his short blonde hair but instead of smiling he just continued looking. Just as I was about to ask him what was the matter, he suddenly hugged my leg.

His head rested against the side of my thigh while his hand tightened against my knee. When he lowered his head and nudged it against my leg, I started ruffling his hair again.

"Aww, Tobias likes you." Marco cooed beside my ear. "If only everyone was as honest as him." He shook his head and I saw him looking at Nicolas from the corner of my eyes.

When I looked over at Nicolas, he seemed to be in a glaring match with Marco. Neither of them seemed to want to look away any time soon. I elbowed Marco in the stomach to get his attention and stop glaring at Nicolas.

"I am disturbing their training. I'm gonna go." I whispered to him and tried to get his arm off me, even though he still hadn't stopped glaring.

When my shoulder was no longer suffering under his heavy arm, I bent down to look at Tobias and freed my leg out of his hold. "I need to go."

Tobias instantly pouted and shook his head. "No."

I tousled his hair and said, "I'll come visit you whenever you're free."

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