Chapter Sixteen

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Nicolas didn't say anything even after I finally looked up, he just removed his hand from the back of my head and I was grateful for the quiet. Although I had caught him looking at me every now and then whenever he thought I wasn't looking.

"I'm not gonna cry, if that's what you're worried about." I assured him when I caught him looking again.

This time when our eyes met, he didn't look away. His hazel eyes bore into mine until I had to look away first. My heart pounded in my chest and I tried to think of something to break the silence in case he could hear it.

"Let's-" I started in a high and trembling voice. I had to clear my throat quietly before starting again. "Let's play twenty questions."

It seemed to have gotten his attention and he continued to stare at me as if waiting for me to explain further.

Looking away, I explained. "It's kinda the quickest way to get to know someone's likes and dislikes. I'll ask you twenty questions - mainly about your likes and dislikes while sharing mine as well." I took in a breath and waited for him to refuse to play in case he didn't want to.

When he neither agreed nor disagreed, I had to ask him myself. "So, can we?"

"Yeah." He agreed and I tried to hide the excitement bubbling in my heart.

"So, um, what's your favourite colour?" I asked the first question that came to my mind.

He hummed before answering. "Green. Yours?"

I sighed in disappointment. Of course it wasn't gray - the colour of my eyes. It was green instead, the colour of nature he was so much in love with. I tried not to show my disappointment, sucked it up and answered truthfully. "White."

Definitely not hazel, I thought to myself.

"Your favourite tree?" He asked, sounding unsure after I didn't continue asking questions. I definitely wasn't sulking.

His question made me want to laugh. Even though I had no idea where that came from, the way he had asked it was truly endearing.

"Tree..." I hummed, mimicking him while I thought. I looked around, trying to figure out what to say. "Mango tree." I smiled looking at a tree in the corner. I wouldn't have figured out what kind of tree it was if it weren't for the tiny green mangoes hanging on its branches.

I looked over at him when I didn't hear his reply. He shook his head and stared at the mango tree.

"And yours?" I asked, grabbing his attention back again.

He didn't speak for a while. Instead he kept looking at the mango tree and soon his expression turned gloomy. "Father and I used to climb it to get the mangoes."

His eyes shone under the sunlight and I shuffled closer to him without thinking. My hand reached the top of his head and I caressed his hair just like he did.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

His gaze turned to the ground and stayed there. "I shouldn't have... Sorry. Forget it."

My other hand rested on his shoulder and I squeezed his arm slightly. "No, it's okay. You can talk about it if you want."

I saw him fiddle with his hands in his lap while he stayed quiet. "I have never talked about him since... I don't know how to."

I closed the gap between us until our thighs touched and slipped my hand from his head to his other shoulder. It might have looked like an awkward side hug but it didn't feel like one. If anything it felt almost as natural as breathing.

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