The Assassin Network

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Author's Note - This note skips around quite a bit because I hated this episode, but it was still pertinent to the rest of the story.


Zuko laid in bed naked. The sheets were pushed down near his hips and he was staring up at the ceiling. Sleep scarcely met him these days, and when it did, he was haunted by nightmares. Vivid terrors of his father standing before his kneeling body and showing him no mercy all over again. But sometimes he couldn't see anything at all, though he could feel absolutely everything. He could feel her crawling up his body, slipping her fingers between the two of them to grip his most sensitive parts. He could hear her breathy voice whisper into his ear, "All of my love." just like she'd scribbled onto his mirror.

It'd been days since she'd left, possibly a week or more. Time ran together now, he wasn't sure. The body next to him stirred as the late morning sun shined in through the singular window, bringing them both light and warmth. Mai turned her head to face Zuko on the pillow she'd claimed and slowly stretched her exhausted legs.

"Awake already?" She asked, extending her hand across the bed to graze over his bare chest.

Zuko's eyes didn't meet hers. He remained staring up into the rafters, ashamed of the things he'd done to this girl the past few nights. Like Kai, Zuko had found a way to rid himself of his pain. But his relief was only temporary, and when it came back, it brought shame and guilt with it.

"Couldn't sleep." He said blankly. Mai moved across the sheets and nestled her naked skin against his, cuddling up to his side.

"I don't see how." She said, smiling. "We were up pretty late last night."

He didn't need to be reminded. Zuko looked down to see her lining butterfly kisses across his chest. Her pale skin was flawless and smooth, free of any bruises or scars that might have suggested she'd ever had to lift a single finger. She was beautiful, really. Like a porcelain doll.

Mai peeled her body away from his and searched for her dress on the floor, pulling it over her shoulders when she found it. "We should get ready. The ferry will be leaving soon. Are you packed?"

Zuko shut his eyes for a moment of peace. He was dreading going to Ember Island for the weekend. Fire Lord Ozai had ordered it, he was having special guests over and didn't want his meetings interrupted by his needy children.

"I'll have the help take care of it." He said. Finally, his eyes began to feel heavy. He wouldn't have time to get much sleep, but maybe just a little bit would keep his irritability at bay. Mai noticed his slipping into oblivion and wished he'd ask her to join him back in bed. She continued gathering her stuff, pulling on her underwear and straightening up her hair. She walked toward the door slowly, giving him the chance to offer her anything. A kiss goodbye, an escort down the hall, something.

"Shut the door behind you." He said.

And she did, with a huff.


The gang lounged around a waterfall oasis they'd happened upon the day before. Katara and Kai were washing their hair in the shallows while Toph laid back on a large rock. Sokka had pulled out his map and drawing compass, he was calculating how many more days it would take them to make it to their rendezvous point for the attack. Aang was using his time to relax. He'd stripped down to just his trunks and was floating along the gentle currant, taking the opportunity to air out his arrows, which had been hidden behind fire nation garments for weeks now.

"Aang, I know swimming is fun and all, but do you really think you should be exposing yourself like that?" She yelled over the sound of the stream.

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