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"Fucking spirits, Kai, what are you doing here?!" He whispered, lowering himself to the ground with her so that they couldn't be heard by anyone besides each other. Her wounds radiated heat that even he could feel. Zuko saw now that her robe was tattered and through the burn holes her flesh glowed a bright, angry red. He ripped his hands away from her body, terrified that he was going to accidentally injure her further.

"It's just me! What the hell happened to you?" Zuko was more so speaking to himself. In an instant he'd made up his mind to force it out of her who did this, and if they were an employee under his estate, they were to be punished. Privately, of course.

"Nice to see you, as well." She said. Her voice shivered when she spoke, along with her spasming muscles. "I just came to visit Iroh. I'll be on my way now, if you don't mind."

He certainly did mind. This was not the girl that'd challenged an Earth Kingdom soldier to a duel within moments of them meeting, this wasn't the Kai that could hold her own in a city of strangers as well as behind closed doors. This girl could barely even pull herself to her feet. Zuko draped her arm over his shoulder and wrapped his hand around her waist, helping her up when her own body failed to do so.

"You're hurt. Who did this?" He continued to ask. The anticipation of finding out if she was really here had faded into the night, along with the memories of her swinging both blades at him without mercy. All that remained was concern for her wellbeing and unfathomable anger that he hadn't been there to rip whoever did this to shreds.

"You're asking an awful lot of questions for someone that should be in fear for his life." Another pained grunt escaped her throat.

"Yeah, you look like a real threat right now." He said, allowing her to hear every bit of his sarcasm. If she were in any position to defend herself, she would've done it already. Instead she had no choice but to allow him to corral her off the narrow path that led toward the guards. He walked her back down the beaten boulders from which he came, keeping both of them hidden from wandering eyes.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked without objecting.

"To safety." He replied. "You rendered a guard unconscious, idiot. They're expecting you now. You'll be sent to the firing squad if they catch you."

She gave him a forced chuckle, "I'd love to see them try."

"Ugh. Shut up."

At least she was in good spirits.

They arrived at the foot of the palace and Zuko stopped. He'd more or less been dragging her along down the volcano. They were almost in the clear, but now there was no way to keep her hidden on the short journey up to his room. All he needed was for his sister or anyone remotely loyal to his father to catch them sneaking through the corridors.

"What are you doing??" She asked, fighting against his hands that were tugging something like a blanket over her shoulders.

"Draping my cloak over you so you won't be seen, stop fighting me!" He raised his voice at her for the first time. Even then, it was nothing more than a small shout muffled by clenched teeth. But it worked.

Kai stopped resisting his efforts to conceal her identity and let the cloak's hood fall over her face. It clung to the exposed muscle on her back, sending more pin prick sensations through her body. Zuko grabbed her by the arm rather tightly, afraid that she would flee given the chance.

And what would I do even if she did take off? Run after her? Drag her kicking and screaming to safety? Turn her in to my father?

All of those questions raced through his mind while his legs moved on instinct. They made it to his wing of the upper floor. His own personal wing, where his old bedroom sat and his private wardrobe. All the things that he'd missed dearly during his extended departure. Now he simply scoffed at them. They seemed so.. pretentious.

Burnt Out - Zuko x OCWhere stories live. Discover now