Double Date Pt. 2

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Around the concrete they danced, she could see from across the floor that Jin and Genji were getting winded. And when their feet brought them to the outermost corner, "Now!" Zuko whispered, and gripped her by the forearm as he took off sprinting down a small, dark alleyway.

Kai followed without reluctance as she held in her laughter, she hadn't ran this fast since her and the Freedom Fighters were dodging half an army of fire nation soldiers through the woods.

A sharp left, then a right, then left again before they found themselves hoisted back into the bustling streets of the lower ring. Zuko was panting with his hands on his knees when they finally stopped. Kai fished through her pocket until she found a couple of spare coins. She passed them over the counter of a nearby hole-in-the-wall style beverage stand, bringing back two cups of amber colored liquid with her.

"Have some ale, it'll cool you." She said, passing one of the cups to Zuko. He gulped down the bitter liquid, swallowing down too much air along with it and immediately belching loudly.

Kai just threw her head back and laughed, and then took his arm in her own. She led them away from the hustle and bustle until the crowds became sparse, close to where she saw those two lovers picnicking the week before. There was a small park there with a fountain at its core, though it was dark as hell.

Kai finally let go of Zuko's arm and wandered out in front of him. She had become so accustomed to the dark that it felt like her second nature sometimes. But not tonight. Tonight, her eyes were wide open. She wanted to see everything around her — whether it be Zuko or that handsome sand bender that she still didn't feel all that bad about bailing on.

"Think you could, y'know..?" Kai said, pointing to the four lantern posts that stood around the fountain.

She's got to be crazy, Zuko thought to himself. He knew that Kai was well aware of the repercussions he would face if anyone found out what he was. And she saw that he felt uneasy about his bending in such an open setting.

Kai looked to her left and right. She looked behind her back and scanned the area for any wandering eyes that may have been watching them.

"There's no one here, Zuko." She reassured while lowering herself to the edge of the fountain, "And even if there were, this looks like a lovely place to bury a body." She cocked her eyebrow and brought her cup to her lips, holding eye contact with him while she sipped.

That was all he needed. With the point of his two fingers, the first lantern post was ablaze. And then the second, and then the third and fourth. Just to show off a bit, he lit the four on the outer edge of the park as well, until that place was just as bright as it would be during the day time.

Zuko strolled over to her and leaned his back against the stone fountain, her legs dangled over the edge. He noticed that she'd kicked her shoes off again, having only worn sandals tonight. Maybe that's just an earth bender thing, he thought.

"So what was wrong with her?" Kai asked abruptly.

"Who?" Zuko responded, having already forgotten about his real date for the evening.

"Jin. She was cute, why didn't you like her?"

"Oh, it wasn't that. It's just —" Zuko could've made a whole list full of reasons he wasn't interested in the girl.

She wasn't challenging, maybe? She'd never knocked me on my ass and then made me feel like I wanted to be there? She didn't have scars on her otherwise flawless skin or long hair that I couldn't help but dream about wrapping my fist into and —

Burnt Out - Zuko x OCWhere stories live. Discover now