Snuff You Out Pt. 1

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A/N - The next two chapters follow season 2 episode 20 very closely. There is a lot of jumping around in these chapters and a lot of scenes that cannot be understood unless you've watched that episode. So I apologize for that in advance.

Zuko woke up to the sound of sparrowkeets chirping outside of his window and the soft morning sun shining on his face. The sheet he'd draped over the two of them the night before bunched up around his midsection. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and sat up, allowing his vision to focus.

Kai sat leaned over her lap at the end of his bed. Her bare back, spotted with scars and unbraided hair flowing down it, was turned to him. Her face rested in her hands as she tried her best to fully wake up. Zuko placed a gentle hand on her hip.

"I woke up late." She said, voice cracking from a dry throat.

"I see that." He responded. Zuko didn't want to admit that he was secretly happy she'd overslept. But it was nice having someone to wake up to. Or maybe it was just nice waking up to her.

"Iroh's been rooting around in the kitchen for the past five minutes. I'll get dressed and slip out the window as soon as my brain catches up with my body."

Scattered memories of Iroh coming home late in the night resurfaced in Zuko's mind, as well as the realization that he hadn't even tried to deny who he'd invited into his room for the evening.

"About that.." Zuko said as he lifted himself off the bed and pulled on a fresh pair of underwear, "He came home late last night and, well, long story short.. he knows you're here."

Kai threw her body back on the bed in frustrated embarrassment, effectively giving Zuko a nice, long look at her disrobed chest and torso. She looked different now in the hazy morning light, rather than the harsh dimness that a small flame provided. She looked softer, like an airbrushed afterglow was dusting her skin.


Zuko started to dress for his first day at The Jasmine Dragon and Kai did the same, borrowing a pair of his trousers until she could get home for a clean pair of her own. When they reluctantly opened the bedroom door that somehow hid all of their secrets, Iroh's gaze met the two of them almost instantly. He was wide awake and ready to go.

"Good morning, you two!" He boasted, much too loud for the couple's still disoriented senses. Zuko winced and gathered up the heap of clothes and shoes they'd left in the living room floor the night before, handing Kai her blade straps.

"You know, back in my day, this is what we called the 'walk of shame'." Iroh teased.

Zuko growled out the word, "Uncle!" but was reeled in quickly by his date.

"It's fine, Zuko." She reassured him and took a seat at the dining room table facing the old man, "So, big day. Are you ready for the grand opening of The Jasmine Dragon?"

Iroh's eyes lit up, he was just reaching for his shoe horn to help him finish off his crisp, new uniform. Kai spied two folded up robes on top of the table, in the center of them was a beautiful white lotus emblem.

"I have been dreaming of this day for as long as I can remember." He replied with prideful tears welling up in his eyes, "When do you plan to leave on your journey, dear? Might you have time to join us at the tea shop for a breakfast blend?"

Just the mention of caffeine had her mind perking up. Still, she took care to look across the room at Zuko for approval. Maybe he didn't want her joining them on their first day. Maybe he needed space after having her glued to his lap for hours on end the day before.

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