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Jake's POV:

Attempting to untie these bounds made me wish I had joined a boy's scout when I was younger. The rope bites into my flesh and I wince with each movement. I finally de-tangle my legs and kick myself forward and out of the water. I manage to make it onto the damp grass slope, the bag that was on my head floating somewhere in the distance now.

Eventually, I unbound my hands and try hard not to cry with pain. I crawl up the slope, my legs slipping with each step.

My phone is gone. I'm not sure if Rhett has kept it for himself or smashed it. I look around me. I'm in complete darkness and a whole fucking lot of pain. I begin to walk, my wet clothes clinging to my skin. I shiver so much that I fear I might chip a tooth when they chatter together.

I hook my thumb out and only one car passes me in twenty minutes. I'm not surprised when they veer to the other side of the road and keeps driving. I probably look like a thief, or worse.

I walk and walk, searching for road signs or any sort of signal to tell me where I am but there's nothing. I sigh, rubbing my hands up my arms.

This is going to be a long night.

I walk for quite some time and every few seconds I'm reminded by how cold the harsh wind is. I try to think of warm things–fire, Callum's hugs, hot food–but it does little to help. I try not to let my mind think back to all the mistakes I made in the beginning of mine and Cal's relationship. If I hadn't screwed up so many times, he never would have gone out with Rhett and all this drama would never have happened.

A light appears in the distance and I feel a flicker of hope ignite inside me. I push forward, even though my body protests and begs me to stop. Pain fills each step but I continue, the light getting bigger and closer.

A 24-hour petrol station. Perfect.

I stumble inside, the lights harsh, making my eyes ache. The boy behind the counter startles and drops the magazine he is holding from his hands in fright. I try to tell him I'm not going to cause any trouble, I am in trouble, but my lips feel frozen and stiff. I trip over my own feet and clatter to the floor, knocking over a stand with me.

My head hits the tiled floor with a harsh jolt and my vision is flooded with darkness.


Callum's POV:

The door of the police department bangs open as I push a little too forcefully and several heads turn my way. Two officers exchange a glance before coming to the counter. I must look as distressed as I feel.

"My partner–no one has heard–I don't know what to do–" I try to get the words out but they're a jumbled mess and I can't breathe.

Ellie rests a gentle hand on my shoulder, before calmly explaining the situation. An officer with unruly dark hair appears at my side and guides me to one of the consult rooms. A male officer slips inside to offer me a box of tissues and places a bottle of water in front of me. I can't even choke out a thanks I'm so worked up.

"Callum, I'm Officer Jenson. I'm going to ask you some questions, okay? The last time you heard from him was last night?"

I nod mutely.

"And he hasn't communicated with anyone since and didn't turn up to work today?"

"That's right," Ellie voices for me.

"This isn't usual behaviour?" she questions.

"No," Ellie shakes her head. "Very unlike him not to reach out to Callum. We were all together yesterday afternoon, nothing seemed out of the ordinary."

"All right. It's a little early to be calling in an investigation I'm afraid but when I can do is do a call-around to some of the hospitals and see if he's been admitted. What's his full name and date of birth?"

I feel sick to my stomach. I lean over the table and fear I might vomit. Could Jake be lying in a hospital bed right now?

Ellie answers for me because I'm simply too distraught to function like a normal human being. The officer's eyes are filled with sympathy as she looks to me numerous times.

"I'm going to make some calls, hang tight."

I slump forward and my head hits the table with a bang once she's exited the room. Ellie gently rubs circles on my back.

"God Callum, if you go any paler you'll be a ghost."

"He has to be okay."

"We will find him," she assures me.

The walls seem to shrink around me and I focus on my breathing.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Haze is out searching the streets and anywhere he thinks he potentially could be. He didn't run away or go on some bender. Something has happened to him.

Images spiral in my mind. Jake's brilliant bright eyes, his curly hair wrapped around my fingers, his warm lips against my throat, his body pressed against mine. His voice whispering how much he loves me in my ear.

I rock back and forth in my chair agitatedly.

The officer hasn't been gone too long but it feels like an hour. I feel like I need to be sick. My stomach is churning uncomfortably and I feel light-headed.

I snap my spine straight when the woman reappears. Her dark eyes meet mine and she nods.

"We've found him."


Sadly, Jake and Callum's story is nearing the end. Is there anything you'd like to see or request happen before it does? :)

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