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Callum's POV:

"Thank God."

"I take that as you missed me?" Kat grins as we detangle from each other.

"Very much."

Kat ended up travelling Europe with her family, missing the first couple weeks of uni, but she's here now and settling in and I am so happy about it. She looks different. More tanned, her hair longer, no longer in the pixie cut and she has freckles under her eyes.

"What kind of mess have you got yourself into?" she asks. "I've noticed you've stopped talking about Jake, so something has gone wrong there."

"That's an understatement."

"You can fill me in but first, coffee."

I take Kat to the local coffee stand that I stop by on my way to classes. We find a spot in the grass, leaning back on one of the big oak trees. The sun hits my legs and it feels nice on my skin. I've spent a lot of time cooped inside the last few days; the fresh air is exactly what I need.

Kat tells me all about her trip, even though we skyped a lot during it. She shares the photos with me that weren't posted on social media and shows me the highlights of her trip, which makes me yearn for a trip of adventure myself.

"Okay, your turn," she moves so that she's in more of a comfortable position. "Last I heard, everything was perfect. What happened?"

"You're going to be really angry with me."

She raises her eyes in surprise. "You're the one in the wrong?"

"Big time."

She leans forward, digging her elbow into her leg, planting her chin in the palm of her hand.

"This is a surprise. Go on."

And so I tell her about the worst mistake of my life. Her mouth is hanging in an O-shape, her startling blue eyes wide.

"You're kidding?"


"You're a fucking idiot, Callum."

"I know."

"After everything you went through."

"Nothing you say to me is any different to what I've said to myself. Trust me."

She sighs so heavily that a person sitting a few metres from us glances over. She shakes her head, looking sad.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Callum. I never thought you were capable of something like that."

I hang my head and feel like my insides are being destroyed all over again.

"But hey, I'm your best friend and I am going to get you through this, even though you deserve to hurt. Just a bit."

I look up at her. "Thanks. I think."

"And by the way, I think the time of you kissing girls has passed, don't you think?" I see the hurt in her eyes. Even after all this time, it's still there. I wish I could love Kat, like she loves me, but I can't. I'm simply not wired that way and even though we have moved into acceptance of that, hearing of me yet again hooking up with a girl, would probably still sting.


"Why did you do that?" she groans.

"I don't know."

"I seriously don't think you need any more proof, you're gay, man."

"Yes, I realise that."

"Don't get sassy with me, Cal," she eyes me warningly.

A Touch Of Sin [BxB]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora