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Helloooo. Sorry for going MIA, end of year was unbelievably hectic. Hoping to be back on track now, I've made a change in my work life to try and work around my writing more so hopefully that all works out. Hope everyone has been well and 2020 is treating you kindly!

P.S you'll probably need to re-read the first chapters of PART TWO to refresh yourselves as to where these guys are at. This is very short and sweet but I just wanted to get something out so you guys don't think I've died or something lol


I barely slept last night. I stare up at the bare white ceiling, my eyes feeling strained, I find myself hoping that I will climatise to my new surroundings and feel at home soon. I wonder if Jake feels the same briefly before I laugh to myself. That boy falls asleep within two seconds of laying down, no matter where he is. It's quite impressive.

I shoot Jake a message and then push myself from my bed. I find Spud sprawled across our lounge, passed out. Layers of lolly papers and other wrappers are littered across the floor around him.

Considering Ma would ground us if we didn't do the washing up, seeing this kind of mess is unusual. I choose to ignore it and get dressed. I shoot Jake a text, asking to meet for coffee. When he doesn't reply, I assume he's still asleep. I take my time as I wander down the path, letting my eyes roam.

I order myself a coffee and lean against the fence. It's only beginning of the term but people seem to be in cliques already. I suppose people from the same schools moved together or most may already have lived here.

A girl, probably the same age as me, is seated on a table out in the sun. I notice her, because of the other group of girls at the next table over, being not-so-subtle about their gossiping and staring. There's obviously a history there and it's uncomfortable to watch such a large group hone in on someone who's sitting by themselves.

"Callum?" the boy behind the counter nods at me and I thank him as I take my coffee.

Without really thinking about it, I head to the table where the girl is sitting and plonk myself down across from her.

"Hey," I smile.

She peers at me through her glasses. "Hello?"

The group of girls watch in silence so I continue to act like I'm not a total random that has just sat beside this girl.

"First day?" I ask, placing my keys and phone onto the table.

She still looks confused but politely answers. "Sure is. I was hoping this place wouldn't be like high school but it seems that high school has a way of following."

"I noticed," I agree. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here. I thought it might get them to back off."

Her eyes widen as she peers at me, looking a little speechless. "Wow," she eventually says. "Thank you. They honestly will die having a guy this good-looking sit at my table," she babbles and then slaps her hand to her mouth in embarrassment. "Oh my God. I can't believe I just said that I think you're hot right to your face."

"You said good-looking actually," I grin.

A blush darkens her cheeks and I laugh.

"I'm Callum," I say. "I moved here with my boyfriend from Alwood, have you heard of there?"

"Oh, yes, I've passed through Alwood a couple times when we've gone out West to visit family," she smiles. "I'm Rebecca but everyone calls me Bec."

"Nice to meet you, Bec."

"Is your boyfriend on-campus here, too?" she asks.

I shake my head. "He isn't studying."

"What's he doing?"

"Think he's going to do some labouring until he figures out what he wants to do. He'll probably try to get into a trade of some sort. Building, maybe."

"My sister's husband is a cabinet maker and he is brilliant. He can basically make anything with his bare hands. It's quite incredible."

"Definitely comes in handy having those kinds of skills."

I lean back into my chair and have a sip, enjoying the warmth of the coffee considering the breeze has a nip to it today.

"There's meant to be a welcome party here tonight, have you seen the posters?" Bec asks.

"Where?" I ask.

"Here," she gestures towards the pool area. "Through there is the common room which has a T.V, pool table, lounges. A chill area basically."

"Oh cool," I nod. "Party by the pool would be pretty sweet."

"Yeah. You should get your boyfriend to come and we could go together," she smiles.

"His name is Jake," I say, realising I forgot to mention that. "And sure, that sounds like a plan."

I flip my phone to see if he's replied to see that he hasn't. That's one thing I've noticed about Jake, he's a terrible replier and it frustrates me to no end because he always seems to be on his phone.

"When did you move in?" she asks.

"Yesterday," I answer.

"Oh, you're nice and fresh then," she smiles. "I've been here about two weeks. Wanted to try and settle in early."

"How has the worked out for you?"

"Not well," she admits with a sad smile. "But things are looking up."

I grin at her. "Definitely."

"Hey Cal," a voice says, before Rhett takes the empty chair between Bec and myself. He looks handsome, dressed in plain clothing with a gold chain wrapped around his neck. "Who's your new friend?"

I flick my eyes to him. "Bec, this is Rhett."

"Hey," she smiles. "Did you two to go to the same school?"

"No, we kind of dated for a bit," he replies.

"Not really."

"We did."

I exhale. "We really didn't."

"Okay," Bec says awkwardly.

"Did I hear you two talking about a party?" Rhett smirks. "I'd love to come with you."

"Awesome!" Bec chirps, oblivious to my heated glare shooting in both their directions. "Let's meet at my room and go from there."

Rhett leans over and takes a sip of my coffee.

"Perfect. It's a date."


Any ideas on what's going to happen tonight at the party?

Instagram: laurenj_22

Snapchat: laurenj_22

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