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Thank you to @onegoodauthor for making this poster for Darker Than Sin! I can't post it on the story so I've posted it here :-)

Thank you to @onegoodauthor for making this poster for Darker Than Sin! I can't post it on the story so I've posted it here :-)

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"Don't you look adorable," Jake grins at me. "Look at you with your little backpack."

I roll my eyes. "What? I need something to hold my laptop."

"And this?" he smirks, clutching my freshly-packed lunch box in the air. "You're in university, not preschool, Cal."

"Do you know how expensive food is here?" I defend myself, reaching for my lunch which embarrassingly still has stickers of superheroes on them. "I'm being organised and efficient."

Jake concedes, letting me take my lunch and pack it in my bag. "Okay, fine. Bit dorky, but that's what I love about you."

"I have to go, otherwise I'll be late."

"Doesn't your lecture start at 10?" asks Jake with a handsome arch of his brow.


"It's 9:15."

"So? I'm walking and I want to be there early."

Jake blinks at me in mute for a few moments. "Wow. You're more of a dork that I ever realised. Let me guess, you'll probably sit at the front."

"Well, you can hear and see better," I admit.

"You're such a nerd. I'll drive you."

"That's okay, I want to walk."

"Don't be a freak."

"Walking is good for you, you should try it sometime."

"Okay, are you on some cleanse or something that you haven't told me about?" he asks curiously, jingling his keys in his hand.

I shrug. "I guess I just want this fresh start to be done right, you know? I'm serious about uni."

"Noted. I'll walk, then. But we have to get coffee on the way."


The walk to my building is quite scenic. They've created a path away from the roads that are lined with huge, beautiful trees that have dropped thousands of purple petals onto the ground. I sip at my coffee and thread my fingers through Jake's. This is how I imagined it to be.

Jake's managed to snag a construction-labour job and he's going in for a trial run this afternoon. I hope it's not going to be too rough on him, even though I know he can handle it.

"What class is this one?" Jake asks.

"It's an intro to communication class."

"A class that teaches you how to communicate?" he side-eyes me. "I think you mastered that a few years ago."

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