[68] My Own Name

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'The best love is the kind that awakens the soul' - The Notebook

Chapter 68: My own name

Jesper's POV

When I close my eyes, I see you.

When I open them, my vision of you fades but your name is on my lips. As if I could call you to me.

You've been my anchor my whole life. We've been inseparable, G.

When I strayed off a moral path, you pulled me back on. When our neighborhood got more dangerous, I'd walk you back from school at night. We had each other's back.

We got into this mess together and now...

I have no idea where you are. And I have no idea if I can handle this life without you.

What do I say to your mom? I can't bear to face her. She was so excited you started speaking to her again. Now her heart will break.

"Come back, G." I said.

I must have said it one hundred times. 

I've slowly become crazy – talking to you as if you were really here. But it's just me.

And Nate. 

I left G's room and went to my own. Time passes by in a confusing way these days – minutes feel like hours but the days pass quickly.

Nate came into my room without knocking. He does that a lot lately and I'm still not OK with it. 

We're not friends, but we're stuck being two people who love the same ghost.

You're not here anymore.

Nate showed me Kaya's drawing and what it meant. I may be just a human, but it sounded like Nate was going to potentially die again in order to find Georgia.

"Has Kaya been wrong before?" I asked him, "You better be sure before you enter a deadly universe because some girl made a cartoon drawing."

I'm not a scepter and it shows.

"Kaya is prophetic," Nate answered simply, "And I can't move on without Georgia. I'm attached to her like a-"

"You're talking about my girlfriend again," I interrupted him.

He glared at me. We've had this conversation a thousand times. We really don't get along, but we're the only two people who understand each other right now.

And I hated that. Being stuck in hell with Nate is a cruel joke.

"Will I ever see her again?" I asked him.

He knew more about this stuff than me. I was just some human who fell in love with a supernatural.

"I don't know," he said, "But at least I can do something about it."

Unlike me.

I hated that Nate was the one who could go after her. If Georgia was on any crevice in this earth, I would find her.

"Does time move differently over there?" I asked, "Will you come back in sixty years and still be young?"

Nate sighed, "I really don't know. The first time I traveled, my best friend returned to earth in the shape of a horse. Anything can happen."

"Good luck," I said, getting up to say goodbye. I didn't know if I would ever see him again. Or her.

I told Nate, "If you find her, tell her I love her."

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