[62] DJ T

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Thank you @meemansha_m05 for this lovely quote from the book! It's beautiful!

'I wish some nights lasted forever' - anon.

Chapter 62: DJ T

"G and J, in the flesh! Come on up!" a guy with blue hair yelled at us from outside his window.

We were staring up at him from the sidewalk. He threw down a ladder for us to climb. Jesper and I had arrived in LA to celebrate New Year's Eve.

"Can't we take the stairs?" I asked, as Jesper was already climbing, no questions asked.

"You'll get charged by the brothel on the second floor."

"The what?!"

"Has she turned into a priss, J?" Tyler yelled back, overhearing our conversation.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming," I grumbled.

I climbed up the ladder, making a point not to look into the windows of the second floor as I passed. By the time I reached his window, the boys were already inside. I climbed in, accidentally knocking over some beer bottles.

"Light it up, Jesper," Tyler pointed at his weed stash.

"Oh, he doesn't do that anymore," I said, though I didn't see Jesper behind me getting comfortable on the couch and lighting up a joint.

"Suure," he said and went to the fridge, "Help yourself, Georgia. I got beer and... is this orange juice?" he brought it to his nose and smelled, "No, definitely some vodka in that."

I was feeling dirty in this boy's apartment. Just the smell alone. I went to the sink to wash my hands. There was a bear mask in the sink.

"What is this?"

"Oh yeah, my girl from last night left it here. Kinky," Tyler winked at me, and chucked it onto the counter.


"So, what's happening guys? You hit me up with a six-month delay," Tyler said, throwing his feet up on the coffee table, "You said you were coming over summer and now it's December. No sweat though, I'm glad you guys are alive. I thought that or jail with Bobby D."

"Yeah, Georgia's mum told me about Bobby," Jesper said.

I guess he really has been catching up with my mother on the regular. I felt guiltier by the minute. I had really just up and left her.

"You lost weight," Jesper told his friend, "What are you eating here?" 

"Nothing. I'm working all night and I sleep most of the day," Tyler answered, "Anyway, I don't have a lot of beds but if you move the couch, we can pull it out to make a bed."

The boys got up to move it. It was already 4PM and we wanted to have the bed ready before we went out tonight.

"You guys are still OK to sleep in one bed right?" Tyler checked, "Yeah. Thought so."

I blushed. I don't know why I blushed!

Jesper took one end of the couch and Tyler took another.  The struggled to lift it, since Tyler could not move it an inch.

"G, can you help him?" Jesper asked me, holding his side.

"Nah, nah, be careful Georgia. Don't hurt your back," Tyler said, "We can handle it."

I went over and picked it up, pretending like it was hard.  I was feeling more and more confident with my strength now.  

"What the-" Tyler said, rubbing his eyes like he was seeing things.

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