[35] Star-Crossed Lovers

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'Who I am and who I became to survive are two different people' - unknown

Chapter 35: Star-Crossed Lovers

"This is not in my job description," Hugo huffed as he wheeled a dining cart with a white table cloth, into the bathroom.

He was still dressed as a waiter at this art gala. I locked the door behind him.  We didn't need any guests walking in on the three of us, a dining cart and a dead demon. 

I just couldn't make up an excuse for that.

My dress was partly ripped from the vicious fight scene a moment ago.  My dagger was now in the chest of a dead demon, courtesy of Nate.

Nate, Hugo and I stuffed the demon count's body onto the lower level of the cart, folding him so he would fit.  

"Uh, he's heavy," I complained.

Both boys gave me a look. I forget strength is meant to be my thing.

We pulled the white sheet on the cart down over the dead demon. I quickly retracted the dagger from out of his chest, wiped it clean and put it back in the holster around my thigh.

"If his foot sticks out while I'm wheeling him around, I am so dead," Hugo said, "Why would he follow you into the bathroom anyway?"

"It's more private in here," I mumbled, turning pink in the face.

I hadn't exactly been alone.

"You did a good job with the dagger though. Well done, I didn't expect you to be able to do that," Hugo applauded me.

I looked up at Nate. I was taking credit for his work.

"Let's just get out of here," Nate said, "The other two are still around and they'll notice him missing soon."

We didn't tell Hugo that we had been in here together.

"Did you get it though?" Hugo asked me, "The prison keys?"

I nodded.

"Good. So did I," he grinned and handed over his own pair of keys that he'd swiped off one of the targets after 'accidentally' spilling wine over it.

"Well done," Nate nodded.

"I'll meet you later then," Hugo said, "I'll focus on getting this body out and you give the keys to mom."

Nate took the keys and told me that we should leave.  I guess it's just the two of us then.


The new prison was located near the Rome metro station. Our exchange point was at Villiers, one stop after Rome. I studied the map intently while we took the metro line across Paris. 

I was standing in my gown and Nate was in his tuxedo.


At each stop, locals would get on and off, staring at us.  It was pretty hard to blend in.

We were nervous, knowing the other demons would sniff us out.  They would be hunting us down right about now if they could.

We held onto a pole.

"Next stop is ours," I told him.

He nodded and in his eyes, I saw his emotion. He lowered his hand on the pole so that it covered mine.

The train doors opened.


We walked into a café as planned and asked to see the menu. 

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