[39] Camera

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Every picture tells a story, but sometimes it's hard to know what story is being told - Anastasia Hollings 

Chapter 39: Camera


Mohan closed his book, "We're a family here. We support each other. When you forget that, is when you have real problems."

"What are you trying to say to me?"

"Nothing," he picked up his book, "I'm just out here reading."

"No, you're not. You're dropping hints that I'm not supporting the family. Go on and tell me what you're trying to say."

I hadn't felt this brave in a while.

"I'm not saying anything. Just remember, there were cameras in Paris," he said, and my eyes widened at the realization.

Mrs Maythorne had gone to the art event earlier in the day to plant cameras there. Mohan had been monitoring the cameras that night to help us in our mission. He had been watching us that night. The night that Nate and I....

"Like I said," Mohan turned a page of his book, "I'm not saying anything."

*End of recap*

I didn't say anything.  Mohan had said a lot for someone who claimed to say nothing.

He continued to read his book and I was really wondering how he could keep such a straight face after that.

Nate and I thought we were keeping our secret under lock, but the joke's on us.

Mohan knew. And he disapproved.

I turned away and started to walk back into the house.  I can't remember why I had left in the first place.  

"Georgia?" Mohan added, "I haven't told Mrs Maythorne and I recommend that you don't let her find out.  Nathaniel is like a son to her and she will do anything to keep those boys together.  That would include letting you go."

I nodded.  I was useful to Mrs Maythorne for as long as I was relevant.  It's real life and it ain't pretty.  I get that.  

I just didn't realize how much I wanted to belong here now. 

I ran back inside.  This wasn't right.  Nothing about this felt right.  I felt so conflicted, torn inside.  I ran through the living room and almost knocked something that was sticking out of the couch.

Zander's foot.

It was bandaged up like he was being mummified.    

"Ow, careful now."

I avoided looking at him.  I didn't want Zander to see my eyes.  They were stinging.

"Sorry," I said, and my voice cracked. I needed to get to my room, away from everything.

"What are you really sorry for? You look torn up and I'm pretty sure it's not about my foot."

Zander was a stoic guy but, man, was he perceptive.

"It nothing, I just... well you're also new here... It's hard. I feel like I don't know the rules of the game yet," I said.

"Your love triangle getting a little too sharp around the edges?"

I gave him a sharp look.  

"It's not a game, firstly," he said, moving his foot before I 'accidentally' hit it again, "It's people and their feelings. So you talking about anyone in particular?"

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