Stupid Crazies on their Periods

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This is the first ever thing I've done with a picture. (If you're on the computer on the side and on your mobile up top) all the books I have, and this is the first one. Ever. Damn...well I'm glad it's this pic, I really like that drawing...


Alice drew in her sketch book in the library while lunch went on. She wasn't that hungry, but she was a little and so she snuck an apple into the library.

She was finishing off the last bits of one drawing she had been working on during her free periods and a bit last night and this morning, as she finished off her Apple.

The black and white photo was of a dog, which was easily ten times as big as any normal dog (like Pluto from black butler, but a slightly smaller scale) droll pooling out between its teeth -some broken and others cracked- and dripping down. A man smiled creepily at the pupil-less dog. His hair covered his face, but a stream of blood dropped down from what could only be his eye socket. One fingerless-gloved hand was on the beast's nose, while the other rested on its muzzle. The dog growled, or seemed to be, menacingly but the guy didn't seem to care, and just smiled creepily. (The picture on the side if you're on the computer, but at the beginning of the chapter if you're on mobile).

She smiled in satisfaction as she put away the black spiral notebook with thick, card like pages that she was proud to call her sketchbook.

as she stuffed it in her bag, and took one last bite of her apple, spitting out a single seed that she had gotten into her hand and putting it into her pocket to through away later (or plant it, maybe. she was going through a vegetarian stage), when she heard soft but fast steps coming her way.

Nico stood in front of her, panting, trying to catch his breath. His face was flushed and he plopped into the chair, dropping his bag like a brick and huffing and puffing. Alice just watched, amuse as she waited for her fast friend to catch his breath.

"I- can't- believe- I- Just did- what I just did." Nico gasped out, finally regaining his voice.

"What did you do?" she asked, amused.

"Tell you- what," Nico panted. "I'll tell you, if you spend the night at my house- tonight. We'll eat ice cream and- and watch anime." Nico promised. Alice smiled.

"I got vanilla." She sang.


Nico and Alice sat on the floor of Nico's living room, eating vanilla ice cream. Nico was sure with how he was eating, he would taste like vanilla for at least a few days. Nico sat in fluffy black pants with skulls on them and a black shirt with Three Days Grace logo on it. Alice was in a black onesie with Black Veil Brides drawn in marker on the back.

Nico flipped through the sketch book Alice brought slowly as he looked at them, pausing whenever he found an interesting one he liked and studied it a bit more while he spooned ice cream in his mouth.

He stopped about every other page.

His ice cream was gone soon. one he found a one that looked freshly drawn, since the lead wasn't smudged like the others, He paused on it, got up, walked to the kitchen, refilled his bowl along with Alice's who had asked, walked back, handed her hers, say back down on the floor, cross legged and continued studying it.

By the time he finished the book, he was completely certain in two things. One: Alice liked to draw some freaky ass shit; and two: they could never compare to some of the nightmares he had. But they may make some guest appearances.

"Damn." Nico whistled. Alice blushed slightly, and spooned a big mouthful of ice cream in. Once she had swallowed, and licked the remains off her lips and the sides of her mouth, she asked what Nico had done at school.

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