Thalia Comes Home

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Percy and Nico sat in the library, Nico helping Percy with his homework, as usual. That was his job, after all. Percy was slowly scooting closer to Nico, trying to make it seem like he was trying to get a better look at the paper between him and Nico as Nico tried to explain it to him.

Nico finally took notice when he realized he was almost in Percy's lap. He froze, feeling Percy's hot breath on his neck, and the body heat coming off Percy. 

"P-Percy?" Nico's voice wavered, shivering from the breath on his neck. 

Percy smirked at the positive effect he had on his little nerd, "Yes, Nico?" Percy asked causally.

"Why are you s-so close?" 

"Am I? Didn't realize," Percy said nothing further, whereas the proper thing to do was move away.

"Can you move please?" 

"Yeah, I can, but I don't 'wanna," Percy smirked again, his lips brushing Nico's ear. This caused Nico to jump, and scoot away. "Aw, Ghost King, don't be like tha-" he was cut off when the bell rung. Nico shot up, hurrying off to his next class and away from Percy.


Lunch was no better. Nico sat, at 'his' table, reading his book. It was the next book in the series, and he was about halfway done with it. He was in the middle of some dialogue when someone plopped down next to him. He turned, and held no surprise when he saw Percy sitting there, one elbow resting on the table, hand attached to said elbow holding up his head, which held a smirk. Nico merely flicked his eyes back to his book, knowing his was hopeless to pray that Percy would go away on his own.

"Why'd you run away in the library, Neeky?" Percy asked, smirk morphing into a pout. Nico stiffened.

"I'm...not...comfortable, with that kind of...stuff." Nico made a vague waving movement with his hand, pointing it between himself and Percy. Percy's pout faltered, then it grew into a grin so big, Nico knew he was doomed. 

"Are you really that much of a virgin, Nico?" when Nico's face turned cherry red, Percy got his answer. Percy was cackling madly in his head. Oh, he would be the first to paint on that pure white canvas of innocence. He would make sure of that.

Nico, not knowing what else to do, making a quick swiping motion, and knocked over Percy's elbow which rested on the table. Percy was too busy planning on how he would 'paint on the Nico's canvas' to stop the action at all, and ended up slamming his head painfully on the table. Percy yelped in pain, and Nico scampered away. 


School finally let out, and Percy had caught up to Nico. "Hey, I was wondering if yo-" Percy was cut off by a very loud shout. 

"FISH BRAIN!" Percy whipped around, as did Nico, in fright. There, in clothing similar to Percy's, was a girl who was identical to Percy. She had black, choppy hair and the same color eyes as Percy's, though not as green. She wore a big smile, and Percy did too after the moment it took to recognize the person. 

"PINECONE FACE!" Percy squealed (yes, squealed), running to the girl. They hugged, and then started jumping around, the chains on their boots and other places making a loud noise that neither seemed to care about. 

Nico started speed-walking away, hoping to get away from Percy and the girl; who was obviously his twin, if not his slightly older sister. But, alas, just as he was about to get on the crosswalk, a hand snatched the hood of his jacket. He stumbled backwards, right into a strong chest. 

The arms attached to the chest he had fallen into didn't hesitate to wrap around him, holding him in place and tucking his head under the chin belonging to the owner of the chest and arms.

"Percy! Let me go!" Nico struggled, wondering how he had even caught the interest of the punk. 

"Nope!" he said, popping the P. His mouth was right next to Nico's ear, making Nico stiffen, feeling the punk's hot breath on his neck once again, "You need to meet my twin!" he insisted.

"There's another one?" Nico groaned, helplessly sagging in Percy's arm in defeat, realizing a second to late he really, shouldn't have done that. (HP reference in that sentence if you squint...its slightly modified)

Percy spun himself, and Nico, around so that they faced the girl Nico had assumed was Percy's twin as first sight. She was smirking, Nico glared at the ground, but, he knew it was hopeless. He was trapped. Guess Leo would be waiting a while today. 

"Neeky, this is my twin sister, Thalia. She goes to Artemis all-girls school in Luna, Greece. (Luna is another word for moon) Thalia, this is my tutor, and soon to be boyfriend, Nico." 

Nico's brain stopped working, focusing on one word. "Boyfriend?!" he shouted, struggling harder. But Percy would. Not. Let. Go. Damn it

"Shush." Percy said in his ear, but Nico only struggled further. Thalia laughed.

"Got yourself a feisty one, eh? Little...geeky, though." Thalia said, giving Nico a once over. 

"I know, but he's got a tongue piercing!" Percy exclaimed, as though that made up for all Nico's flaws. Though in Percy's head, it probably did. Thalia whistled. 

"Nice," she said approvingly. "Oh-oh-oh!" she squealed, a lightbulb lighting up above her head, "We need to take him with us to the mall!" 

Without further ado, they shoved Nico in the back seat of Thalia's car along with Percy who refused to let go of Nico, and they drove off. Nico could barely move and breathe enough to call and tell Leo he was being kidnapped by Percy and his twin, and to call the police for suspected murder if he wasn't back by eight.


Okay! This chapter is a bit shorter than normal, but, eh I get an excuse. Do you know what that excuse is? There is only one more chapter left in this book...then there's the epilogue...but, yeah! I can be bribed to update the last chapter quicker...*wink wink*...but first i need to bribe my beta into editing it....-_-...kay, I'll shush now

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