Bastard Alarm Clocks

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He had to keep running. He couldn't stop. Otherwise, they would get him. His heart pounded in his throat, his chest heaved as he struggled to breathe, asthma attacking. He could hear them behind him, gaining rapidly. He couldn't outrun them forever. 

There! The school was coming up. His hell would be the thing that lead to his survival, after all. He almost reached the door, when one of the creatures jumped in front of him, blocking the entrance. He stopped dead in his tracks, while the things cold, dead eyes stared back at him in silence.

Nico screamed as the giant red gummy-bear attacked.


Nico awoke with a lurch, groaning. He rolled over onto his side, flinging his arm out to smack the bastard of an alarm clock that had dared awaken him from his mighty cat nap. He laid back down onto his back, blinking as he tried to recall his dream. 

Fucking sweet tooth. I need candy...Sighing, Nico blindly reached for his phone around his bed. He had to blink several times to make out what it was telling him, both from the sleepy fuzz and his dyslexia making him unable to quite tell what was going on without his glasses. After a moment, he realized he had a missed call from an unknown number.

Nico's sleep ridden mind was puzzled for a few moments. Who would have called him? Oh! The idiot...what's his name? Uh...Jackson! Jackson, right...Nico yawned and called back, slumping onto his bed with one arm over his eyes to shield them from the evil sun peaking in through his black-out curtains.

Fuck you too, Apollo.

As the phone was answered, he heard little claws on his bedroom door. Nico sighed. He didn't want to give up, but Small-Bob (his cat) would get annoyingly insistent if he didn't open the door soon. Sighing, Percy payed his attention to the phone call, ignoring his cat for now.

"Nico?" Yup! it was Jackass -er- Jackson himself! 

"'Lo." Nico stifled a yawn. "You get the glasses? Otherwise, why in the name of Hades did you call me?" Nico, in his sleepy state, acted more...uncouth than he usually would. In his post-sleep state, he was more...aggressive, and less of his usual nerdy self. Absentmindedly, Nico realized he probably shouldn't have called back in this state, but he was too tired to give it much thought, and he really just wanted this to be over with.


Up, down, down, right right right, left, down up, left, righ-

Percy immediately paused the Barbie game he had been playing on his computer when his phone began to right. He lunged from his desk to his bed, where his phone lay. He was hoping it was Nico. After a moment a wildly searching the sheets, he found his phone. A wide smirk stretched his face. Sexy Ghost King, read the caller ID

Smirk never failing -where would he ever be without his faithful smirk?- he answered, feeling as though his confidence was radiating through the phone. If only that one guy -Alex Telebell, or whatever- had thought to install something like that when he created the phone. 

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