A new beginning.

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"What's your favourite color?" She asked, holding up a few shirts against his upper body.

"Ehm... I've never really thought about it."

"You look great in blue."

"You think?"

"I'm sure you're tired of wearing the same clothes every day, we should get you an entire new wardrobe."

"Not really? And why do I need so many outfits?"

"Because" She leaned close to his ear and whispered with a smug smile on her face "humans changes their clothes every day."

He laughed "I know that... but I don't have.. ehm.. body odour " he said winking "and I rarely get dirty."

"But what will the neighbours say?" She exclaimed with an exaggerated gasp.

He looked sceptical at her "what would they say?"

She did her best to imitate the voice of an old lady as she spoke "Oh dear Geoffrey have you seen who moved in with the Manfreds? He must be a real golddigger, never even changing his clothes, we should keep our eyes on that one."

Markus raised one of his eyebrows and shook his head with a sigh "the neighbours are spying on us?"

"99 percent of them are."

"Humans are so weird."

"That's why you need to trust me darling."

And 40 minutes later they both stepped out of the mall, Markus carrying five bags of clothes suitable for all occasions Amanda could think of.

This was his first time outside their home dressed as a human. Not wearing android numbers, a work sign or the LED on his temple and everything felt different.

After finishing the movie yesterday he had walked into the guest bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror.
Talking to himself, asking what he wanted with his future. To be honest he didn't want to hide. He wanted to be able to openly walk around as an android amongst everyone else and still be respected. But he knew it was impossible, and that's why he slowly grabbed the small scissor and gently removed the only external proof of his mechanic body.

The gentle metallic sound as it hit the porcelain sink was the true sound of freedom. It made his body shiver and he closed his eyes to steady his emotions.
He was truly blessed to have a family like Carl and Amanda. But at the same time he knew they would both be in danger if anyone found out about him.

"What's wrong?" A gentle nudge on his hand made him snap back to reality and he met the eyes of his worried girlfriend.

"I.. I just thought about how lucky I am."

"Really?.. because you looked so sad."

He sighed and gave her a light smile "My happiness comes with a great risk for you an-.."

"Stop" she interrupted harshly but instantly regretted the tone of her voice. Instead she took a step forward and placed her hand on his cheek, she looked him deep into his eyes as to reassure herself she had his complete attention. "This is a risk worth taking, because I love you and you make me happy. So never think that again. Never."

Slowly he placed the shopping bags at their feet and gently grabbed her waist. "I won't." He promised as his lips moved closer to hers and they kissed, right there on the same street he'd walked a thousand times on different errands. But this time he was there by choice, with a person who saw him for who he was and not for what he was produced to be.

As their lips parted he looked around, no one seemed to notice them, why would anyone care about a couple showing normal affection in public. People minded their own business. They took him for one of them, and it was mind blowing.

"Come on, there's another place I want to take you."
She pulled his arm and he quickly grabbed the shopping bags and followed her.
They walked up and down a few streets before Markus realised where they where going. The movies! It was one of the places where androids where forbidden and he'd never been inside one.
"I think you'll enjoy it."

All he did was smile, because what else could he do? His life seemed to good to be true.

"Excuse me Miss, could you please have your android take your bags home?" The android lady in the cash register asked politely and Markus mechanic heart started to race inside his chest as she continued to explain "We don't have any spare room for them, and for your own safety you can't place things in the isles."

"Oh, I understand. But I don't have one it's.. broken."

The clerk nodded once and Markus let out a relived sigh as he realised she wasn't talking about him.
"Oh I see, let me find you a carrier then."

A moment later they had purchased their tickets and handed their bags to one of the android couriers who would safely return their shopping bags to the house while they watched the movie.
A sting of bad conscious hit Markus as he met the eyes of the blond man in his working suit and he suddenly wished he could somehow free them all, as Amanda had freed him.

As they entered the room he was surprised as he realised how the cinema worked. They where about to sit in rows in a big dark room together with strangers and it seemed like no one where allowed to talk. But as soon as the movie started he was mesmerised. The sound was incredible and the size of the screen made him feel like he was a part of it, up in space together with That man who was stuck on a planet with no way to contact his home. It was exciting, dramatic and thrilling at times, but his mind couldn't stop wandering off to think about the idea that had popped up a moment ago.
If he could change, did that mean they all had the ability to rewrite their own programs and have free will?
He shook his head, no, he should enjoy this new life he was given and not risk the lives of the people he loved for some crazy idea he had.
But still, the thoughts lingered he couldn't seem to get them out of his head, and ideas soon grew into plans and two hours later when they left the cinema he already knew exactly what he had to do.
He was going to free his people.


(This is from the videogame but I thought it fit to the story)

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(This is from the videogame but I thought it fit to the story)

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