The blue dress.

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"The green or the blue?"

Markus studied the two dresses she held in her hands, he took his time before he answered.
"Blue matches your eyes." He concluded.

"Oh really?" She snickered "Are you flirting with me?" She teased.

Markus shook his head, lately he'd become accustomed her teasing but in the beginning she'd made him terribly confused and he had no idea how to react to her jokes and comments.

Amanda walked into the changing room and tried on the dress still making an effort to keep up the conversation. "Are you coming with us to the event Markus?"

"Your father usually brings me along."

"So what's your take on these charity events?"

"Your father dislikes them."

"Mmm I know... and you?"

"There you go again." He rolled his eyes and chuckled "I just do what I'm told, remember?"

She came out of the changing booth and turned her back to him. "If you cold tie the ribbon for me?"

Markus took a step forward and she could feel his fingers work as the blue silk ribbon where carefully pulled through the loops in the back of her dress, all the way down to her lower back.
As he was done he took a step back and she instantly spun around. The long blue halter neck dress sparkled under the intense spotlights of the corridor. Fitting her curves perfectly and leaving her back bare all the way down to her lower back. Except for the thin string like ribbon bands making a zigzag pattern across her skin.

"You don't have any opinions what so ever?"

"You look stunning."

She stared at him quite surprised before she gave him a bright smile. "Thank you kindly, but I was talking about the event."

"Oh, of course." he cleared his throat "I'd rather be at the mansion."

Amanda studied herself in the mirror and nodded. "Me too."

"So why go?"

"I could ask you the same."

"No, your father needs me there."

She turned around and looked him in his green bright eyes. "Yes, and he asked me to go with him so we're kind of in the same position."


She gave him a frown "No?"

"I don't have a choice, remember." He gave her a provocative look as he used her own words against her.

She took a step closer to him, her face just a few inches away from his, and raised an inquisitive eyebrow "Do you read my blog?"

"Maybe." He said with a playful smile on his lips.

Her eyes widened "you really do!"

"It's interesting."

"Interesting?" She gasped.

"Yes, the way you see the world." He continued to explain.


"I see a lot of your father in you."

"Well, yes but..?"

"I don't believe humanity is ready for the things you write."


"... and I don't understand why you continue when all you receive is angry comments and hate."

She sighed a little "Because there needs to be a counter voice to all this madness and hate. If I don't speak, no one would. And I don't want to live in a world like that."

"That's very brave."

"Most people call me crazy."

"I'm not most people."

"No your certainly not." She smiled and turned around "what's the price tag?"


"Well, that's ..."

Her father entered the narrow corridor where the changing booths where lined up. His clear voice interrupting her "We'll buy it."


"It's an important evening and it looks amazing on you."

"If you say so."

"And please Amanda, no radical political discussions tonight." He gave her a soft smile "Its all about the deceased tonight."

She lowered down and kissed her fathers cheek "I promise."

"Good, now take that off so we can go home. I'm tired already."

She walked towards the booth and stoped in front of Markus "If you won't mind?" Without hesitation he released the knot and the fabric loosened around her body. "Thank you." She smiled before she went inside to undress.

Markus turned to his master "Your daughter is quite special."

"Yes, she is." He snickered "come on Markus, let's get out of here." He sighed heavily "I forgot how tiring it is to go shopping with a woman."

The android grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and started to push the old man out of the store and soon the both of them stood outside enjoying the fresh air.

"The car is right behind the corner."

"Yes, but let's wait for Amanda to join us."

Markus nodded and his eyes drifted away to the big crowd of protesters shouting on the other side of the square.

"Don't mind them my friend." Carl sighed.

"But what if they are correct?

"Androids didn't take their jobs." Carl muttered "Humans created you and gave you their jobs. It's not like you ever had much choice in the matter."


"I'm done!" Amanda's smile was brighter then ever as she stepped out of the luxurious clothing store.

"Finally." Carl snickered and they started walking towards the car that waited for them.

Subtly Markus reached for the shopping bags and took them from her hands. But he didn't hold on to them long before she snatched them back.
"No, Markus I'll carry them. Besides you need both your hands to push my father around." She gave him a mischievous look and he couldn't really disagree with that.

"She's as stubborn like her mother Markus, you'll get used to it eventually." Carl chuckled.

"Do you know how to dance?" The woman peered at the android curiously.


"Amanda" her father warned "I know what your thinking and do I have to remind you what you promised?"

"No, father I won't make a scene."

"He may dance as much as he like inside our house, but I don't want to make a stir with all those close minded people around you."

"I know.. I know."

"It's for your own good."

As they entered the car Markus kept studying the petit woman who sat in front of him calmly watching the scenery outside the car window.
The things she said, and the articles she wrote made no sense to him.
She wrote as if androids where slaves, was that the truth? How could it be? He'd always been treated fairly and this was the kind of life he was programmed to have. What else could he wish for?

Then her written words hit him and he realised, maybe she's right, maybe he's not even allowed to wish for something else?

What defines a human?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum