Snow leopards and popmusic

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Carl looked around as he entered the living room.
Pop music played low in the background and the tv was on, showing some documentary about snow leopards.

On the table stood an empty bottle of whine and a half full glass with red lipstick on it.
Amanda slept heavy on the sofa, covered in blankets.
"Looks like I missed the party." He snickered.

"Did you know the snow leopards tail is almost as long as the entire animal?"

Carl looked amused at his android "no, I did not."

"It needs it to keep its balance as it climbs on steep mountains."

"I see." He chuckled "so I'm guessing she chose the music and you chose the documentary channel?"


Carl raised an eyebrow and Markus explained himself "According to your daughter, cleaning is more fun with music playing in the background."

"I see." The old man chuckled.

"I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not Marcus. I'm happy that your exploring the many pleasures of the world."

"I thought humans found cleaning a boring chore."
He stated as he placed the wheelchair by the table to bring Carl his breakfast.

"Some of us do, others find it relaxing."

"Mmmm.. that coffee smells like heaven." A tired voice called from the couch.
Without a word Markus poured her a mug and placed it in her outstretched hands.

"Good morning."

She gave him a wide, bright smile "good morning Sweetheart."

A line appeared between his eyebrows as it always did when he was processing something new. She found it adorable and she patiently awaited his reaction.
But he simply gave her a smile and left to take the bread out of the toaster.

Covered in a big blanket Amanda made herself comfortable and turned on the news as she sipped on the hot beverage. "So the Russians are creating their own androids." She concluded.

"Looks like it." Her father agreed.

"I don't understand why it's such a big deal. Everyone wants to take a chance to make their own money."

"Not everyone." Carl studied his daughter for a while "you should eat something."

"I'm never hungry in the morning."

Markus placed a plate of freshly made eggs and toast in front of Carl, pouring him coffee and handing him cream.
Walking in and out of the kitchen he carried a small tray filled with different pastries.

"Not even these?" He said with a new kind of smile, she knew he'd never smiled like that before and she instantly liked it.

"Oh.. my.. god ... Markus did you buy these for me?"

"After last night I thought you needed a steady breakfast."

Amanda nodded and she quickly stuffed her mouth full.

"Not hungry in the morning, huh?" Carl snickered.

"This is my cup of tea" she mumbled with her mouth full of warm, chocolate filled croissants.

"So what's today's plans?" Her father asked as he continued to eat his breakfast.

"I need to prepare for my job interview."

"They already booked you a meeting?" He asked, quite surprised.

"No." She snickered "but I'm confident they want me."

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