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The music played loud in the small room where she'd arranged a workplace for herself.
A glass door was open leading into the gardens, it was a sunny day and she looked out of the huge windows enjoying the sight of the colourful flowers outside.

Books and papers was spread on her desk together with used coffee mugs and chocolate wrappings.
She'd been working on a new blog entry for days now, but had a hard time pushing the publish button this morning.
She looked down at the screen, ten minutes had passed since she finally had convinced herself to continue her fight and klick that button.
Her radical ideas where already creating a storm.

• Are we human? •
By Amanda Manfred
Feminist and equal rights activist.

Blog entery 345 - Who are we to them?

Androids, you all know the topic is something I like to discuss. Why do we need them? Why did we create them? Those questions doesn't matter anymore, because look around. Here they are.
What we need to discuss is how are we treating them?
I've read so many reports of androids being assaulted in the streets. Damaged to the point they can't be restored. It's illegal to destroy someone's property. But have we ever talked about the emotional trauma of the owner? The little girl who waits at home for her best friend to come and help her with her homework.
We need to accept that they are more then machines to many of us. And we need to discuss their rights of their own lives.

It's the year 2038, shouldn't we have come further then this?
Hundreds of years ago our forefathers sailed to Africa and stole children, men and woman to sell as slaves. People who was forced to work in horrible conditions for nothing at all. Abused, hurt and starving.
How can we be sure we're not doing the same thing again? Creating androids to give us pleasure, follow our orders and work for us. We need them to be obedient, not to question us and what do they get in return... nothing.

Cant you see a pattern here?

Amanda stops reading and scrolls down to the comments.
3067 likes 1579 Comments

"you suck!!! They are machines! Wy do you hate humans??Bitch!!"

"get over it!! We created them... they should be happy. We are the gods!"

"why even bother?? Past is past."

"faith in humanity is lost 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️"

She heard his footsteps behind her and noticed how he stoped to read the entry over her shoulder.

"Why do you read those comments?"

Amanda sighed and closed her laptop. "Because I need to know what people think."

"Why? they are very hateful."

"It's not they're fault. They have a problem to adapt to new ideas, they don't want to hear what I have to say, because it means they'd have to give up on the life they've created for themselves. And humans are lazy." She snickered.

Markus looked thoughtful at her. "So humans created us because they're lazy?"

"Something like that." She shrugged.

He stretched his hand across the table and reached for her mug, pouring hot coffee into it.
"Stop, you don't have to do that!"

She quickly grabbed the mug from his hand and the hot liquid splashed onto her skin. "Dammit!"

He froze in his motion and looked puzzled at her reaction.

Amanda grabbed a napkin and dried the coffee of her hand. "I'm sorry.. I.." She shook her head and turned to look at him. "Its just that... how can I stand behind the things that I write and still let you do these things for me?"

Markus was quiet for a while looking thoughtful at her before he started to clean her desk, removing all the coffee stains from the laptop and the notes, then he grabbed the mug again and filled it up with the rest of the coffee from the pot in his hand. Placing the mug neatly on the desk and correcting the papers in the pile beside it. He continued to take the trash and dishes in silence. When he finally stoped he looked at her as if he'd come up with an answer.

"Because Amanda, what else am I supposed to do?"
He tilted his head and gave her a smile before he walked towards the kitchen.

She watched him leave.
Thoughts spinning in her head. She'd been living there for a few weeks now and she could really understand why her father enjoyed his company that much.
Carl had provoked and encouraged his android to learn new things. He played the piano, read classic literature, they discussed the news together, he even asked Marcus opinion on his paintings.

Her eyes stared at his back as he moved down the corridor. No one would know if he where human or android if it wasn't for that circular LED on his right temple.
He moved so confident, no doubt about his purpose in life.

A thought hit her and she rushed after him.
"Markus, what will happen when my father dies?"

He turned around and looked concerned "Hopefully Carl will live for many years to come."

"Yes, yes of course. But you will outlive him, no matter if he lives five more years or twenty. What will happen then?"

"You or your brother will probably inherit me? I don't know what your father wrote in his test-.."

"Will you be sad?" She interrupted.

Markus narrowed his eyes and looked at her intensely "Is that a trick question?"

"Just answer!"

"Androids don't feel emotions." He said plainly.

"Surely you'll have to miss him? He treats you like a son, he welcomed you with open arms into his home and allows you to walk freely and do whatever you like."

"I.. I would prefer if he would live, yes."

She sighed "Not good enough Markus."

"And what is the answer you want me to say?"

"That you would miss him!"

A concerned wrinkle emerged between his eyebrows.
"Why are you angry? Did I do something to upset you?"

She looked away rubbing her forehead with her fingertips "No... I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I guess those comments made me upset after all... I let my frustration out on you."

"Do you feel better now?"

She shrugged "Not really. Ice cream usually helps though."

He smiled thoughtful "How could Ice cream help?"

She snickered and gave him a wink "It's a human thing."


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