Snake Ending

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Art not mine.
I thought this picture was cute.

Snake pov

I don't want to lose another love one like I did with my circus family.

I have to hurry.

However, I am sure to accept M/n loving someone else ... eventually.

Oh... I see something red.

It is Grell and M/n!

"Hi Snake," M/n said as he walked up and hugged me.

"Congratulations! You have found us. WINNER. Also... I have no idea where your snake friends are." Grell said with confetti floating down on the ground.

I was worried for my friends.

They have been with me since I was first entered into the terrible freak show as a 'Snakeman'.

"Don't worry Snake. Your friends are safe sleeping in my room. I found them this morning looking for you. They were wondering where you were, but you are here now." M/n said reassuring.

I waited for awhile until M/n returned from his and Grell's house.

M/n was right, my friends were safe and sound.

"You got a lucky mate in your life. Don't you dare make a mistake and lose him." Emily said.

"We don't mind if you love him. He is the best." Wordsworth said.

"Sssssso... When is the so called wedding?" Oscar said.

"Are we, males, going to be your best men?" Goethe said.

"This is going to be the best mating ceremony ever!" Donny and Keats said.

A few months later, there was a wedding.

The wedding was held in a lovely .

The best men were the guys.

The maid of honor was Ranmao.

The audience were the people from the Phantomhive manor and the Undertaker.

"Can you please tell those snakes to get away from me?" Bard said having Finny being his shield.

"It is okay. These snakes are harmless. They are so cute and small." Finny said with about 10 baby snakes on his arm.

Bard ran hid behind the Undertaker.

"Man up your fears of snakes Baldroy!Do you Snake take M/n Radley Sutcliffe to be your wife/husband?" Grell said because she/he volunteered to be the officiant of our wedding.

"I do," I said proudly.

I have started to get used to speaking for myself without the help of my friends.

"Do you M/n Radley Sutcliffe take Snake to be your husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Any objections of these lovers? Any questions about this event?"

"Yes, I have a question. Where am I?" Lau asked.

"Irrelevant question. Also, you're not even invited. So your question doesn't count. Let the wedding continue! With the rings and a kiss, you will be officially engaged."

M/n and I are now engaged and there was clapping in the audience.

"Do you know-"

"THIS IS RIO DE JANEIRO. IT IS LOCATED IN BRAZIL. IN THE AMERICAS.  Happy now with the answer." Grell yelled at Lau for his forgetfulness.

A few years later, we adopted a little girl.


We technically rescue/kidnapped her from a horrible zoo.

Come on, the zookeepers were torturing her and fed her nothing.

You can even see her bones or rib cage easily.

We named her Rio.

She had silver hair like me and green eyes.

She also had the ability to shapeshift into an albano snake.

We love her with our hearts.

Years later, while Rio and I grew old, M/n stayed the same.

Eventually, I died, but I at least get to see my family grow.

My urn and friends are kept in the hands of M/n for the rest of his life.

I sure enjoyed every moment with Rio and M/n until my death.

"Happy anniversary to us M/n," I said as a ghost spirit.

M/n was his happy self reading a book to our grandchildren of generations.

"Happy anniversary to you too, Snake" M/n said looking at me out of the window.

Author Note

Thanks for reading this.

Sorry for any ophidiophobic, fear of snakes, or herpetophobic, fear of retitles, people who had to read the parts with snake.

I don't really know much about phobias

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I don't really know much about phobias.

However, I do know someone close to me who is scared of snakes due to a prank.


For example:

Allodoxaphobia, fear of opinions

Thanatophobia, fear of death

Claustrophobia, fear of enclosed spaces

Autophobia, has other names, fear of being alone which indicates they are ignored or forgotten or ... IDK.

Coulrophobia, fear of clowns

Aquaphobia, fear of water. Drowning, sea creatures, ... IDK.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, fear of long words.

Why did I thought writing would be fun?

This is difficult, and I have a life with family and friends.

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