Costume Ball (Part 2)

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Today in the afternoon, I had got an invitation letter from the Trancy Manor. It was strange because I had never heard of such place to exist in the first place. It also appears that they are the queen's spider.

It seems interesting to do in the mean time. However, I wonder what I am going to be dressed as when I arrive to the manor for the costume ball.

I also wonder if the young lord Phantomhive is also going to bring his other servants along. They seem to be a busy mess to look after of from the tasks they do. Oh well, I guess I should get things ready for the costume ball.

When I had arrived to the place, I went to where the food area was located. I looked at the food and under the table was the Undertaker. He sure is weird.

"Well hello sir. How are you doing? Do you like the party so far? I am sure I do because there are some free food. If the food isn't to my liking, I also have some of my biscuits." Undertaker said. I just left him to do his own thing.

I then saw the Indian prince with his servant Agni. Agni is strange and I don't seem to like him that much. I in fact want him to be gone from this world since the first time I saw him. However, you can't get what you want all the time. You just have to wait until the time is right, or you just don't do it at all.

I noticed that there was a red headed boy with a black and red cat dress costume. It suited him well and made some people to think he is a girl. However, it isn't that hard if you know what a person's gender is really.

I then thought about pulling on the cat tail attached to the dress because I want to. The cat maid is cute and lovable to have. I wonder if he is available to dance with. I also wonder if he is even interested in men. My goodness, he sure is changing me interests of love.

The cat maid then turned around. "May I know what you need?" he asked in such a cute voice. I smiled at him.

"I don't need anything kitten. However, I wonder if you are free for a little chit-chat with me. Tell me, what is your name my kitten?" I asked.

"I guess I am free. The other servants seem to have everything under control, so I am free for awhile for now. However, I do need to pass out some of these little sandwiches out to the other people in this ball room. Do you want some? Also, my name is M/n Sutcliff. What is your name?" the cat maid now named as M/n said.

"Well I am Lau. It is sure a pleasure to meet you. This is Ranmao, she is my sister. Do you want some small sandwiches to eat?" I said as we were headed to the couch. Ranmao did in fact came with me, but I sort of lost her after sometime of exploring what this place is like.

"Sure," Ranmao said quickly. Ranmao had reached out to take a few little sandwiches from M/n's platter. She isn't much of a talker, but I do love her as a sister.

We talked some more like a friend would with a new person they had met. Family members, social life, and some personal normal stuff (dreams, favorite color, favorite animal, hobbies,etc.).

Then we had met the young lord of the Phantomhive manor. He also seems to have brought his servants along with him.

"Well it was nice meeting and getting to know you Mr. Lau and Ms. Ranmao. I hope to see you in the future! Also, can you please stop touching the fake cat ears? Why are you acting as if I am an actual cat? You do know I am a person right mister?" M/n said.

"Well, I am so sorry. I just can't seem to help myself with cats. You know cats are my favorite animals. They just are very interesting creatures to be around them. Also, my name is Sebastian Michaelis. Again I am sorry to bother you. Your fake cat ears are just so soft to the touch that I just have to feel them. Also, your tail is so realistic to play with. I hope to see you again~" Sebastian said.

I have a feeling that he isn't human at all.

M/n pov

"Bye Sebastian! See you again!" I said. I would of never known that a demon could show some admiration towards a creature from the human world. However, I still don't know much about them. Some demons could be nice like the ones I had met. Some demons are bad like the description William had told me in the past because he dislikes them with a burning passion.

I then went over to where the other servants were.

We got to know each other well, and we became new friends with each other. They are Finny, Mey-rin, and Bard. They are the gardener, maid, and chief of the Phantomhive household. It was fun getting to know them.

//////////Time Skip////////// Brought to you by chaos due to the glass harmonica

The guests were leaving, and we were saying our goodbyes and thanks to the ones who were able to come here. I am sure to miss my friends.

After that, I went to where Hannah is. I looked at her eye. The good news is that it wasn't bleeding. The bad news is that there is no eye to see out of for awhile because it is empty. However, I am sure enough that in the future she would have some strength to replace her missing eye with a new one. Since she was a demon, I guess it could be possible for their kind.

"Goodnight Hannah! I hope you have a good time tonight. You're one of my best friends!" I said.

"Goodnight M/n. I hope that you get some needed sleep. You are also one of my best friends since a long time besides the triplets." Hannah said.

When I was done with Hannah, I went down to see where the triplets were. During the time we were together, we played a simple game of kid charades. It continued until I was getting tired and fell asleep on the table.

The triplets were nice enough to put me to bed safely. I sure had some good dreams about hanging out with my friends. We were playing a decent game of hide in seek.

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I looked at where M/n Sutcliff was. We were friends, but I am unsure why he was in the human world. I thought that Grell didn't want him to be here after he had failed the physical exam with an F making him not get in the finals.

Oh well, it sure is going to be interesting in what is going to happen next with him. Although, I am unsure if I like him hanging out with these many demons.

I think I should tell Grell later when I see him at work. Grell has the right to know where their brother is after wondering everywhere their brother is when they first noticed he wasn't anywhere in the reaper world.

Besides, reapers and demons are enemies that don't get along well. M/n is too innocent to know better. He is also physically younger than everyone with the youngest mind to ever be in the London Reaper District.

M/n shouldn't be here at all with these filthy demons.

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