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Amalias pov:
To my surprise they all keep on listening intensely to Carlisle explanation. He even asked me to please show them my belly, they all seem to then fully on believe it, knowing that vampires otherwise won't be able to change.
„So I am becoming a grandma?" esme questions with tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her lips. After a confirming nod, she quickly walked over to hug me, but Demetri pushed me behind him, as if he is afraid she might would hurt me.
„Don't you dare touch my nephew or niece!!" he growls out dangerously. Esme takes her hands up in surrender.
„ I won't ever hurt them nor Amalia! She is my daughter! My beautiful daughter that will give me grandbabies!" she answers him softly. He slowly seems to calm down and let's her pass him, still he keeps on looking at the rest of the cullans with a calculated look.
„Demetri, calm down! No one of us will hurt her or the babies! We are happy she is able to bear kids!" Edward tells him. Since Demetri still doesn't look to Sure Edward explains to him that he has read everyone's mind and that he promises that everyone only wants to protect me and the babies within me. Slowly he takes a seat again, however still making sure to stay as close as possible to me.
„You are so lucky! I wished I would of been able to bear a child as well, but I am happy to welcome yours into our family!" Rosalie says, softly as if afraid of hurting them, she caresses my belly.
After everyone has congratulated me and asked a few more questions, they all begged Carlisle and me for some pictures as well. Of course we printed some more to hand them all one, and their happy smiles make me happy as well. Now I only need to tell my mates, my dad and his brothers as well. Hopefully they will react just like the cullans have!
The day has gone by way to fast, and the later it gets the more nervous I become. I am relieved that Carlisle has agreed right away to come along to explain my pregnancy once again. Edward also wants to come along since he wants to make sure no one thinks of hurting us in any way or form. So after a heartfelt goodbye and see you laters, I teleport the four of us back to Volterra. To be exact, right I to the throne room where my mates as well as the three kings were talking to one another.
„Carlisle! Edward! What a wonderful surprise!" aro says with a wide smile on his lips.
„We would like to inform you on something rather important. If it would be possible in privat." Carlisle says. The three man were quick to pull me in between them to protect me, which of course irritates everyone else.
„Of Course! I am assuming it has to do with our darling Amalia?" aro asks after watching us with interest.
„It does." Demetri says with calculating eyes. Marcus is quick to send everyone except my mates and Felix our of the room, wanting to know what is going on. He keeps on sending me worried glances the whole time.
„You three May remember the 1000 year old book about vampires. And how it explains the possibility of delivering a child." Carlisle starts slowly. Being way to afraid of all their reaction, I decide to instead look at my feet. Not wanting to see their disgusted faces or even their hateful glares.
„Princess! Hey princess!" alec suddenly says from in front of me. A soft finger presses under my chin to make me look at him. To my surprise he as well as everyone else is smiling really wide. Guess I have zoned out for quit some time. Afraid of what everyone may thinks now, I look towards Edward. Hoping for an explanation from him.
„They all are happy that you are pregnant! Even thrilled. Your dad already plans the nursery while your uncles make up plans on how to make sure no one will hurt you or the babies." he explains. Felling a heavy weight lift from my chest at hearing that, still, what about my mates? Are they going to leave me again?
„Your mates are absolutely thrilled! Bragging about how they got their mate pregnant." he goes on to explain. And slowly a small smile makes its way into my lips. Now I am finally able to let my joy out fully, since now there is no worry left about how everyone is going to react about it.
„I can't believe you are giving us a child! I am becoming a dad! I love you so much princess!!" Alec says and kisses my lips a few times before Jane pushes him away. Her hand slowly touches my stomach and I can see her eyes welling up with tears.
„Thank you so much love! We will never be able to thank you enough for this!! I love you! I love you so much!!" she whispers before kissing me softly.
„Didn't you tell him that.." I ask Carlisle who quickly catches on, on what I mean.
„No, only explained how this is possible and how it will work." he answers.
„Told is what sweetheart? Is something wrong with my grandbabie?" Marcus asks with worried eyes, quickly walking towards me. Pulling me into a tight hug, kissing my forehead a few times.
„No, they are completely healthy. It's just that it's not one baby. I am pregnant with twins." I tell them after he pulls back a little. I hear some joyous shouts before I am pulled back into a tight hug.
„I hope you know that from now on we have to make sure you are well protected the whole time!?" Marcus informs me strictly. I hear a sad whine from left to me, Marcus also seems to understand since he takes a small step back from me. Letting my mate cuddle me I to them now. They keep on caressing my back and my belly, kissing my whole face. Small purrs leave their throat to the amusement of everyone around us. From the corner of my eyes i see Carlisle and Edward talking with the three kings.
„Is everything ok?" I question them afraid something might be wrong.
„Everything is right. We just asked if it would be possible for Carlisle to keep on checking up on your pregnancy. As we already said once before, there are doctors around here as well, but we would feel better if someone we trust would make the check ups instead." aro explains with a soft smile towards me.
„We also asked if they would be able to stay here at the end of your pregnancy. Just to be sure that the delivery is going to run smoothly as well." caius adds, smiling at me just as softly as everyone else.
„I of course will be here to help! There is no question needed, we see Amalia as a part of our family, so of course I as well as my whole family will do everything to help!" Carlisle answers with an honest smile.
„I also think her mum would kill me if she wouldn't be able to be here for the delivery." he adds with a chuckle.
„That's understandable! I also wouldn't miss the birth of my grandchildren!" Marcus answers him in understanding. It's good to see them all getting along so good!
„If you would like, you could stay the night here and fly back tomorrow morning with our jet." caius tells them.
„That's not necessary, I can bring them back." I say with a small giggle.
„That is really nice of you darling, but we don't want you to overwork yourself. You should take it easy throughout your pregnancy." Carlisle answers me after everyone looks terrified at me.
„But the rest of the family is waiting for you." I say, feeling the tears already welling up once again. Just because I brought them here! Now they won't see the rest for nearly two days!!
„Hey! Don't beat yourself up! That's just your hormones. You know Your mum wouldn't be happy with us if we would allow you to overwork yourself. She already texted me to inform me that she has booked us a flight back. So no worries!" Carlisle softly tells me. Knowing he was right, mum definitely would scold them if she thought they would overwork me. Still I don't like the thought of them flying home for so long.
„Ok. But I still don't like it." I mumble with a small pout on my lips.
„I know you dont. But you already made us all so happy with your announcement of your pregnancy! I think you deserve to spend the night with your mates. Don't you think?" Edward says with a nod towards my smiling mates. So I nod at him, I know I won't be able to change their mind anyway.
„I am really happy for you Amalia! I do hope we see each other soon again! And please don't hesitate if you feel strange or have some questions." Carlisle tells me before kissing my forehead. Edward also tells me goodbye, hugging me once more and kissing my forehead before the both of them leave.
„So, Carlisle said you have some pictures of the babies. May We see them?" Marcus, no! Dad asks me with shining eyes. I quickly pull my handbag closer to open it up and hand out the pictures. Demetri is already holding his in one hand while the rest looks at him in envy.
„Here. I asked Carlisle to print enough for all of you." I say and slowly hand everyone a picture. The room has felt completely quiet, they all are looking at the ultrasound picture with love and adoration.
„Can I go to my room now? I feel pretty tired." I say suddenly feeling completely drained from this day. My mates quickly pick me up, excuse themselves by everyone before running us to our room. Alec softly lays me down on the bed, even pulling the blanket over my tired body.
„i Love you so much Princess!! And i love you two as well!" he says softly kissing my lips and then my belly two times.
„I am so happy love! I love you and our babies so much!!" Jane says, still caressing my belly. Feeling like something is moving within me, she looks at me with wide eyes.
„I think the little ones were just moving!" she says in an awed voice. Alec quickly adds his hand as well, and again they seem to move.
„Wow! This is so amazing!!" he whispers out. And than suddenly everything turns black. Guess with me being pregnant the need to sleep came right back again!!

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