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Marcus's pov:
Feeling the depression start to come right after my daughter has left me. The only reason in my life that had enlightened my days has just vanished into thin air. And only because her mates decided to hurt her by cheating on her. After everything they have already put her through, I would of never thought they would hurt her again.
„Brother?" aro asks confused but also worried seeing me like this.
„Amalie has seen them! She has seen her mates kissing another vampire in the garden. Now she is gone, and I am back alone, again." i answer both of my brothers, explaining what had just happened.
„Where are they?" caius growls out. Like I had explained to Amalia yesterday, we see her as part of our family. And we protect, kill and care for our family!
„I will get them masters!" Demetri says pissed as well. It is a shock for him as well, he had seen her as a younger sister. So he wanted to protect her, he even asked us if he could watch over her for at least the time she stays human and therefore weaker than us.
„Take a seat Brother, and don't worry about it. I do have a feeling where she might have run to. After dealing with her so called mates we will call an old friend of ours to see if my suspicion is right." aro says while putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
„Masters, there might be someone involved in this of who we haven't thought off!" Demetri says and pushes Natalia into the room. Alec and Jane look on complete confused on what is going on.
„Would you stop already with the treatment to my mate!" alec screams furiously.
„Natalia!" Aro growls out with hatred. As if that little news slowly sunk into the twins, they look at me horrified of what they might have done.
„Please tell me this is Amalia." Jane pleads with me her eyes already getting wet with the realization slowly catching up with her with what they have done.
„Where? Where is our mate?" alec asks in panic, completely ignoring Natalia's screams since Demetri is holding her up by her neck.
„I am begging you to please allow me to end this useless life masters!!" Demetri begs us. And I do find it pleasing that he was so furious on Amalias behalf.
„I am afraid I need to decline Demetri! It would be to easy, to quick!" caius says with a sinister smile.
„You knew that they have found their mate! The law says, no one should interfere with a mating bond!" aro tells a panicked Natalia but I definitely don't care for that sorry excuse of hers! What she has done is unforgivable! She made my daughter run away! Made her feel so hurt that she had no other way than fleeing from here!
„If anything happened or happens with my daughter you would wish for caius easy punishment!" I yell after their retrieving backs. Caius looks back at me, knowing that I can be sadistic if I want to.
„Masters?" The twins question, they obviously figured out that my daughter had seen them and ran off.
„We don't know where she is." I tell them. Jane looks completely defeated and Alec, well he seems lost.
„I am going to." aro starts but a loud ringing interrupts him. With a small frown he takes his phone only to nod at me.
„Carlisle my friend! I was just about to call you!" he says and the whole room quietness down right away! Everyone listens closely into the conversation, hoping that we now at least know where our lost family member is.
„Amalia got here, completely lost and hurt. I need to know what had happened back in Italy! She collapsed only seconds after she got here.  we don't know what to do. It's like her body is shutting down and I don't know how much longer she will survive this!" Carlisle rattles off quickly and my already cold heart starts to die all over again.
„Natalia thought it would be a good idea to trick Amalia's mates into kissing her. They didn't realize that they were lead on until we interfere. Of course the damage was already done than by that time! But don't worry we are already dealing with her. We also are going to come and see how we can help, Amalia is family and like you know, we care for our family!" aro answers him before ending the call.
„Let's get to the plane, the last bit we will be running." aro says with finality.
„Matthias, go and tell caius. He should stay here and overlook everything, we will be calling him with any news. Demetri, Felix, Jane and Alec, let's get moving!" he says.

The flight took way longer than I would of liked, but at least we are going to land any second now. We only just touched the ground and we are already running as fast as we could to get to my daughter. I do hope that she is going to wake up and be as healthy as humanly possible. She has to! I just found her and I can't lose her already! When we arrived at the cullans house, the door gets opened by Edwards worried frown.
„Carlisle is in his office, I will get you to him!" he says, so we quickly follow him up the steps. When the door opens we see a worried bella caressing Amalia's head with tears running down her cheeks, Carlisle on the other hand is concentrating on mixing some infusions.
„I am right with you, just need to get Amalia's infusion going." he says without turning towards us.
„It is not wise of you two to come here!" emmet hisses at the twins.
„Emmet, I already explained to you that they where tricked!" Carlisle says in disapproval.
„They still should of known it by their different scents! If she is dying it's their fault!" emmet says pissed but I could clearly hear the underling panic of losing her. There also isn't any arguing with his statement since it really would be their fault. It's true, that the scent was different, that's why Demetri knew right away what really had happened. But what's done is done! We now need to focus on helping my daughter wake up again!
„Carlisle. How is my daughter? Is she going to be alright?" I ask him afraid. Softly taking her small and fragile hand in mine.
„I honestly don't know. It's a wonder she has lived through four years after her mates rejected her. My guess is that that's the reason it is taking that much of a toll on her this time. It's like they rejected her a second time." he explains with a sad frown.
„You care for her." Bella's says tearily.
„I do! I see her as my daughter." I answer her and to my surprise she lays her hand on mine.
„She cares for you too. Is happy that you are here" she says with a small smile. Looking at her pretty irritated, how can she know that?
„Here!" she says with an encouraging smile and puts my hand on Amalias head.
„Thank you for coming! It means a lot!" I hear Amanda's voice in my head. Looking completely shocked to bella she only nods at me with a tearily smile.
„I leave you alone for a bit." bella says before leaving the room.
„Carlisle didn't needed to call you. I already said my goodby to you." I hear Amalias's voice and I swear I was seconds away from crying!
„You have so much more Time ahead of you! So much more things to do! You can't just leave, not like this, not ever!" I tell her broken that she apparently is shutting herself down.
„I had more than enough pain in my life, I am tired of being the last person on everyone's agenda." she explains sad, her voice getting weaker as well. Shaking my head at her. How can she think like that? Does she really not see how many people are on her side? Rooting for her!?
„We are all here. Caius through a fit after he got told he can't come along. The rest is all here. Aro, Demetri, Felix as well as Jane and alec." i tell her softly. The pained whine she lets out makes me realize that she doesn't know what had happened, she still doesn't know that they didn't know any better.
„You saw Natalia, she can look like whoever she wants to. Your mates thought it was you. They didn't know! They completely broke down when they realized what they have done!" I tell her honestly, hoping she will believe me.
„Marcus? Is she?" aro asks so I quickly nod at him.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now