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Alec's pov:
A day has gone bye since we bit our princess. Since now she not once flinched, screamed or trashed in pain. It's absolutely mesmerizing to see her sleep this calmly while her skin gets paler and her heartbeat weaker.
„Maybe her change doesn't take as long as everyone's else? I mean, her slow heartbeat does look like it." Demetri says a bit unsure. He hasn't let go of my princess's right foot since this whole thing has started. Jane and I did try to make him and master Marcus at least leave to get something to eat, but they weren't moving an inch. Normally this would annoy me, but since they think of her as family just like herself sees them as that, I can't bring myself to it. It only makes me happy that she has such a loving father and brother. Yesterday evening her sister bella has called to talk to her. To janes and my luck Master Marcus decided to explain the situation to her. At first she was angry that she was kept in the dark, but esme Of course explained that she has talked with her about it. And since bella also is going to get changed in one and a half months, right when she finishes school, she can't really say anything against it. Since then the cullans have called us every hour to ask how Amalia is doing. If I wouldn't of seen how they have treated her back at their home it would highly irritate me. But I guess they have somehow adopted her into their family after esme met her. My hand suddenly gets squeezed a bit. Looking at my sister with wide eyes, wanting to know if she as well felt something or if it's only wishful thinking. Since Jane also looks at me with her eyes wide open, I do think that it's not just me who felt it.
„We are Here princess." i tell her, Kissing her forehead softly. Her heartbeat has gotten even weaker the last five minutes. Maybe she really is going to wake up sooner than we thought.
„Don't worry my love, we are all here with you." Jane softly says, kissing the back of her hand. And just like that her heart stops beating. We all look at her hopefully that she is going to open her eyes every second now. And that's when they open up. Her eyes an extremely dark red, nearly black. She blinks a few times before a happy giggle leaves her throat that sounds like bells ringing. How could she be just this amazing!?
„How are you feeling Sweetheart?" Master Marcus asks her softly. Her head gets slightly leaned to the side, making her look so incredible innocent and breathtaking.
„I am feeling good. How long was I out?" she questions with a smile on her blood red lips. It's amazing how she didn't change at all apart from her complexion, eyes and her lips.
„Pretty much 25 hours. Which isn't long in comparison to everyone else." he answers her.
„Was the pain bearable?" Jane questions her afraid of the answer, just like me. Her bright smile falls onto us and before I can comprehend what is happening she has cuddled herself into Jane and I.
„I honestly didn't feel any pain at all. Only at the first few seconds but than it just disappeared and I only felt warm and safe." my princess answers with a content sigh. She is nuzzling our necks with cute giggles from time to time.
„Your sister and mum have been calling every hour. We promised them that you would call them back after you wake up." Demetri informs her, his whole demeanor completely relaxed now that his sister is back awake and without pain again!
„Demetri!" she exclaims giddily and throws herself at him. His arms quickly open wide so he can catch her.
„You are here as well!" she says happy he really stayed with her.
„i promised to stay with you the whole time! Needed to make sure you are alright!" he softly answers her. She kisses his cheek before cuddling Master Marcus as well.
„Thank you for staying as well!" she tells him with a bright smile.
„No where I would of liked to go to!" he says, softly kissing her forehead. She than happily returns to Jane and I, kissing us both on the lips.
„Can I call bella back now?" she asks us with pleading eyes and of course we handed her, her phone right away. Who would decline such an angel anything, I definitely can't and I am pretty sure, no one in this room could! She has happily taken a seat on my lap, her left hand holding onto Jane while her right one holds the phone.
„Is everything alright? Did anything happen with my baby?" esmes panicked voice asks through the phone. My princess happy giggles cut off her worried flow of questions and instead a relieved sigh was heard through the phone.
„I am fine mum! Just woke up and since I got told that you guys were calling I decided to call you right away!" my princess answers happily. It's absolutely amazing to see her this happy!!
„Baby! I am so happy to hear your voice! Was the pain bearable? I know your mates and father said that you looked like you were calmly sleeping but I still can remember the burn from when I was turned!" esme asks her happy but also still worried.
„I honestly didn't feel any pain, only for a few seconds and then I just felt safe and warm. I am sorry you were in pain back than." my princess reply's with a small frown on her kissable lips. Thinking about it, they kind of look like they are kiss swollen!! Esmes voice suddenly pull me away from my thoughts again.
„You don't know How happy i am to hear that! I was really worried darling! And you don't need to worry, that was ages ago!" esme says and you could hear her smile through the phone. My princess right away perks right back up and giddily giggles at her mum.
„Can you please tell everyone that I am good? And that I miss them very much!" she says, a small pout on her lips when she said she misses them. How cute can she seriously get!?
„Of Course darling! We miss you also! But I promise we will see each other soon again! Carlisle has promised me a vacation anyway!" esme happily tells her and if she has said the magic words my mate once again giggles happily.
„I should let you get back to your mates now. But don't worry I will call you a bit later!" she adds and my mate nods along.
„Ok! Talk to you soon mum! Love you!" she reply's and ends the call. I am a bit sad that till now she hasn't told us she that she loves us, but I hope she will soon.
„We Should go to my brothers, they surely want to see you awake again sweetheart." Master Marcus says and stands up from the bed.
„I can get us there!" My hyper princess says clapping her hands in glee.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now