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Amalia's pov:
When we leave the castle, they quickly pull their arms protectively around me. Alec in true gentleman manner, opens the door to a restaurant not far away from the castle.
„Ah! Mister volturi, miss volturi, it is an honer to have you in our restaurante! Please follow me to your seats!" an elderly looking man escorts us to a table far away from the rest of them. When I look closer I see the table standing right by a huge glass front so you could overlook the whole city from there.
„Is the table to your liking?" the man questions hopeful. Jane nods at him with a smile before turning her attention right back at me.
„Here, take a seat my love!" she says, going as far as scooting the chair out and in for me.
„Thank you. This restaurant seems lovely!" I say in complete awh of the setting.
„Only the best for our princess!" alec reply's. When the man reappeared he took our drink order while also handing out some menus.
„What would you like to eat princess?" alec asks, softly laying one of his hands on my lap. With a surprised look I try to calm myself down and try to decide what I would like to eat.
„The Ravioli filled with mushrooms sound lovely. How about you guys? Or don't you even order anything?" I ask them, honestly interested how they handle this. Now thinking about this, it also would of been enough if we just would of had dinner at home.
„I hope you know that we also could of stayed back at the castle. Maybe order some pizza or something like that. Just want to spend some time with you, don't care that much where though." I murmur, felling a bit overwhelmed.
„We know that this would of been alright with you love! But we want to give you a proper date, like you deserve!" alec explains, Jane nodding along with him.
„And we do order something, we may not normally eat, but we don't want you to feel weird with being the only one eating. And just to be honest here, we love spending time with you too." Jane says laying her hand on mine with that smile that makes me melt from inside out.
„Three cokes, did you already choose on what you would like to eat?" the man asks after placing down the drinks.
„spaghetti bologna, ravioli filled with mushrooms and some steak cooked medium rare." alec orders right away. The man once again retreats away from us. Alec's hand keeps on with caressing up and down my right foot.
„I thought on a first date there won't be inappropriate touches." I say with a raised brow towards him. Instead of lifting his hand though, he leans his head closer towards me, his hand getting dangerously close to my intimate area. My breath slightly hitching.
„We did plan on wooing you properly, but that was before you dressed into that dress!" alec growls quietly, his hand right on top of my spot. When he softly bites into my earlobe I really thought i would moan out loudly, but to my luck, I could bite into my lips to stop that embarrassing sound to come out of my lips.
„Alec please! We are in public." I beg feeling myself getting excited from his touches, too excited for a restaurant.
„You have no idea how amazing you smell right now!" Jane whispers into my other ear. Her tongue slowly liking on my weak spot that they have found this morning.
„Please guys, stop it. Not here!" I beg them and to my surprise Alec's hand slowly retreats from my tight, Jane only blows once more onto the wet spot on my neck before lifting her head back up.
„You have no idea how much we want you right now. You look just so hot, and don't even let me get started on your smell! So sweet like you are ripe for the picking." alec says with a strait face, looking completely calm if his eyes weren't burning with passion.
„Here we go! One spaghetti bologna, ravioli with mushrooms and a steak medium rare! Bon Appetit!!" The man says with a smile on his lips while handing out the food towards us. To my surprise the twins take their utensils and start to eat their food.
„I thought you can't eat human food!" I say with surprise. The two softly chuckling at my statement.
„We can eat it, even though it won't do anything for us. Normally we don't even pretend, but like my sister had explained already, we don't want you to feel weird by eating on your own." alec says with a soft smile on his lips. Feeling warmth spreading around myself, never have I thought they would do something like that for me.
„Thank you! Maybe I am going to show you how truly thankful I am after we get back to the castle." I say knowing fully well that this statement won't do me any good, but they have started with their touches!!
„You are playing with fire!" alec answers with steaming eyes. Softly kissing his lips, turning around to do the same to Jane before I finally start to eat my food.
When i was more than just full, and those two had eaten as much as they possibly can, they pay and off we were.
„What now?" I ask surprised they weren't dragging me towards one of their rooms!
„Now we go somewhere special. Somewhere alec and I often flee to when the stress gets to much, or we can't stop thinking about you." Jane explains. Pointing towards an old house that looks pretty run down.
„Isn't that." I say with shock.
„it's the House we first Met you. We always knew how much we love you, how much we need you. And we wanted to bring you back here to ask you to please forgive us!" Jane says with wet eyes.
„We promise to always be there for you! We also promise you that we will always love you and protect you. And we promise to do everything to make you happy!" alec says, his hands holding one of mine.
„I am going to do my very best to forgive you, i however can't promise that I won't get frightened throughout this." I tell them honestly. They quickly turn towards me and starting to kiss me passionately while the other one slowly lets the dress roll up further up my body.
„Let us move somewhere more fitting." i say and grab both of them close to me before teleporting us three right on Alec's bed.
„Guess it's time for dessert now!" alec whispers with a smirk Jane already attacking my mouth in a passionate kiss. Yeah, I definitely am ready for dessert!!

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now