Chapter 32

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***Unknown pov***

"Tonight is the night! It needs to happen tonight. If we don't, it might be too late. This fucking girl is a pain in my ass and she needs to die. Who's with me!"

The roars and cheers of the people in front of me are almost deafening. I smirk at them and pick up my gun that is on the table next to me. Cocking it, I lean it up against my shoulder and start the trekk into the woods, many feet hitting the ground behind me as everyone follows.

It's finally going to happen.

***Clara pov***

Sitting on the couches with my pack and Isaac, we see Jasmine and Damien enter the living room. They see us and smile, while Isaac and I return them. My pack just look up at the new people and then lay back down. They feel comfortable here with us, and I couldn't be more happier at that.

The four of us chat, so much time passes that when I next look at the time, 5 hours have passed. I yawn and then stand up and stretch. Decided to head to bed, I just walk away, knowing Isaac will follow. As soon as I'm on the comfy bed sprawled out to cover the whole thing, Isaac appears a second before I don't see anything at all.

"Geroff!!" I yell from under him. He isn't putting all his weight, which I'm thankful for, but he is still squishing my face.

"Mmmm, comfy bed," he whispers and starts stroking my hair thays not under him. I internally roll my eyes and start wriggling beneath him to try and get free.

"Ooooh it's a massage bed. Noiice." He continues stroking my hair and I lay completely still and stop breathing.

Seconds later, I shift into my wolf, and I easily push him off me, mostly because he wasn't expecting it.

"What the- oomph!" He falls on the floor, and I shift back into human form before laughing, jumping off the bed, and running to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and walk back out to see Isaac fast asleep, snoring his life away. Rolling my eyes, I walk past him and out the room, back downstairs and to the kitchen. On the way, I pass the living room, and see that all my pack are sound asleep on all the couches. Smiling softly, I pad to the kitchen and open up the fridge to see what there is to drink.

I see something in a container that looks like orange juice and pour myself a glass. I take a sip and then immediately start choking.

"Not orange juice, not orange juice whole fuck..." I spit every last bit out in the sink and put my mouth under the running tap to try and get the taste out my mouth. Whatever that was, it was not orange juice.

Not feeling thirsty anymore, I head back upstairs and slip into bed next to Isaac. Pulling the covers up to my chin I sigh peacefully, and fall into a deep slumber.

That is, until I'm woken up at 3 in the morning...

Okay so don't be mad I promise the next chapter will be way longer and it will be nothing but action. Everything is going on in the next chapter so stay tuned! I just posted this little bit to prove I'm actually back to writing

Love you guys, stay awesome

Left To The Wolves [On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ