Chapter 28

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Dudes!! What the fudgenuggets??!?!? Someone please explain to me why this book has over 70k reads???? Like seriously....this book lowkey doesn't even deserve that much. At least I don't think so... but thank you so much guys seriously y'all have no idea how much this means to me😭😭😭😭 honestly I don't even think the book is that good. Frfr guys thank you so much I love all of you that have given the book even the slightest chance, which is basically everyone that is reading this. Lol okay again thanks, and now on to the next chapterrrr

My face mirrors Isaac's as we both stare at each other in horror. Then we both look to Jesse, wondering what we should do. We obviously can't take him with us. Whatever is going on down there can't be good because now we hear yelling and screaming.

"Uuuhh....uhm..okay. Jesse stay here and don't move. Stay in the room. Isaac will stay with you."

Isaac nods a couple times before he realizes what I actually said, but by then I'm already out the door. I hear him yell my name repeatedly and laugh out loud. That's what he gets for not letting me eat the candy first.

I follow to shouts and screams downstairs to the living room. My mouth drops open as I look at the 60 inch tv screen, now broken into pieces on the floor, and the sofas ripped with stuffed white stuff all over the place. People are fighting everywhere, kicking punching, screaming, the works.

"Hey!" I yell, but it falls on deaf ears. Pausing for a moment, I look around once more at the chaos, take a deep breath and scream at the top of my voice.."STOP!"

Everyone freezes immediately. They bow their heads when they realize who I am, and I smile giddily internally. That was actually kinda fun.

"What the hell is going on here?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. My right eyebrow, cuz I can't raise my left. In my mind, I can see Jesse from 7 years ago, smiling smugly at me as he raises both his eyebrows one after the other. I almost laugh, but then remember wher I'm at, and I stare at the...I count about 15 of them that are in here, all looking guilty.

"Uhm...uh.." they all start stuttering and speaking together in jumbled sentences. I let it go on for a bit, seeing if I'll eventually be able to tell what they wer saying.

Bad idea..

Apparently I couldn't understand them, but they heard what each other were saying perfectly clear, and it started up arguments again. When I saw they were about to start physically fighting again, I did one thing I knew I was good at.

I screamed.

That definitely got the attention of everyone there. And probably a lot of other people, but that's not important right now.

"You." I point to the guy closest to me. "What the hell happened?"

"Uh...he did it!" He points to a guy behind him.

"No I didn't! He did!" This guy points to someone else a little ways across the room.

"Did not! It was him!" The guy across the room points back to the dude I asked.

Oh, for Pete's sake..

"I didn't ask who did it! I asked what happened! Two completely different things!" I refrain from slapping a hand to my forehead and instead walk closer to the group. They huddle closer together and bow their heads lower.

"If one of you don't start telling me what happened in the next five seconds, I'm going to go call Alpha Isaac and I'm sure-"

"I'm sorry okay! I..I swear it was just an accident! But we got carried away and then more accidents happened an-and..." The boy that spoke up looks to be the youngest of the lot, and I walk up to him.

"Just tell me what happened," I tell him in a soft voice. He looks to be on the verge of tears and let's out a shaky breath.

"I...I was just coming in here to watch tv when Henry came in also and said he wanted to watch tv. I had got mad because he took the remote from my hand and sat in the spot I was going to sit. We started wrestling for the remote and then Henry's bigger and older friend came in, and then mine, and then more and more people come in, and next thing I know, we're all fighting..."

I stare dumbly at him.

All of this. All of this mess....just because they both wanted to watch tv.

"Dudes! What the frick! You both are grown men, almost adults, and you couldn't resolve it by talking or resorting to something other than violence? And all of you! You guys are adults! Grown men! You all fighting is way worse than them fighting. I am so disappointed in all of you."

Their faces after I say that are almost comical. The two youngest boys that were fighting over the remote still had the remote in both their hands as if they were in the middle of a tug-n war game, and their bottom lips are shaking. Most the adults are rubbing their necks sheepishly and looking at their own feet. Even some of the adults look like they want to cry.

Buncha babies..

"Alright, alright. I won't be mad guys can clean this mess up in about 10 minutes. Because in 10 minutes Isaac will be coming down to see if anything happened. I'll leave you guys to it." I turn my back on them and and in seconds I hear the scraping of furniture and shuffling of feet.

I head back upstairs and walk into the room I left my two boys in.

"I'm ba-" I freeze. On the bed, Jesse and Isaac are surrounded by candy wrappers and talking heatedly about something. When they see me, they also freeze. Isaac gulps and Jesse scooches on the bed until he's behind Isaac.

"Heyyy babe. Uhm....we were just....I swear we left you some! Jesse! Jesse! Where did you put her candy?!"

"You told me to put some aside for her?!"


I step into the room and shut the door behind me. More like slam it behind me. Jesse actually jumps and Isaac grimaces.

"You have to the count of three," is all I have to say before they both jump off the bed as if it were on fire and start spreading the candy wrappers around seeing if there are any left. Isaac crouches to the floor and checks under the bed. Jesse is picking up the wrappers one by one checking to see if they have any candy in it. But both are mumbling to themselves like crazy, repeating the word candy over and over again.

I honestly think this is the best thing ever because I wasn't even mad about the candy. I was just shocked to see them both smiling and talking to each other. After Isaac said that about the candy, I slammed the door to pretend to be mad. Lowkey just trying to stall for ten minutes before I can let Isaac out.

When I can tell they're both about to completely freak out, I finally let out the laugh I was holding. Again, they freeze, Isaac still on the floor and Jesse looking under the pillows on the bed.

"You should've seen your faces!" I wheeze between laughs. Oh how I wish I had a phone to record that.

"'re not mad?" Isaac asks timidly. I smile and shake my head. They both unfreeze and their shoulders sag in relief.

"You are going to go buy me more candy though."

"Coming right up! Jesse, your coming with me. She's your sister so you know what she likes."

"Aw, but I wa-"

"Don't care."

Isaac pulls Jess off the bed and out the room. I follow them out and down the stairs, hoping I stalled enough for them to fix everything up.

When we get to the living room, Isaac and Jess pass up all the boys in the living room without saying a thing, and I give the guys a thumbs up. They had managed to get a new tv and furniture (I don't even wanna ask where or how they got them so fast) and were all watching a football game on the tv. They smile at me and I turn and head back up stairs to clean up the mess of candy wrappers they made in the bedroom.

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