Chapter 13

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***Isaac's POV***

The whole auditorium erupts in screams of anger and shouts of surprise, along with shocked gasps. I let it go on for a good minute before I calm them down, pinching the bridge of my nose as I feel a headache coming on.

"We don't know why they took her, but what I do know is that we need to get her back. It was the rogues that took her, so it's them that we'll find. Agreed?"

"Agreed!" Everyone else answers back. I nod once and then step off the stage. Damien announces the meeting is over, so everyone stands and exits through back doors, but I exit through the ones on the side. I just want to get home and sleep.

Hoping into my car, I reverse out of my parking spot and head home.

***Clara's POV***

"What? why?"

"Well, he left right after we got home. He didn't tell us anything, and he left that night while we were asleep. But I'm trying to find him, because I want to know why he did what he did to you. There has to be a reason other than to save his own skin, or maybe not, but either way he shouldn't have done that." Her eyes glisten with unshed tears, and I just want to hug the life out of her. Well, no not the life out of her, because then she would die, but I just want to hug her and never let go.

"And what else have you been doing? Besides looking for him? I mean, what's all this? Why am I hear?"

"Well, there's something I never told you. Something I never told anyone, and only the people in this building know who I really am and what I look like."

"And you are...?"

"Uhm... Well, have you heard of werewolves?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows, but nod nonetheless.

"Yeah, don't they..." I trail off as I think back to when Isaac was taking me through the woods while we were being attacked.

He had turned into a wolf.

"They... They turn into wolves?" I ask uncertainly. I mean, he did. I doubt my eyes we're deceiving me.

She nods, confirming my statement. "Well, werewolves have ranks, and they live in packs. The lowest in these packs or normal werewolves that hold no rank, and omegas. Next up, are the Gammas. They are in charge or fighting and stuff like that. They're in charge of the warrior wolves. Then there are the Deltas. They are third in charge in a pack. They are there to make sure nothing goes wrong, and more often then not, they help the Gammas in training the others for war. Next up are the betas. They are second in command. If the alpha has to go to a meeting somewhere outside the pack lands, the beta is put in charge. But if both have to go, then the Delta is put in charge. The highest rank in a pack is the Alpha. They are in charge of everything pretty much. I'm not good at explaining things, so I'll just leave it at that. But, ranks also go out of packs. The lowest of the low are rogues. They don't live in packs. They could've left on their own, or they could have been kicked out, but either way most werewolves look down upon them.

"On top of packs, are the royalty. There is an Alpha king and queen. Above them, is known to be the Moon Goddess, who created the werewolves."

(Idc if this is wrong, and sorry not sorry if this description is wrong or if it bothers you, my story my rules, so mneh.)

"And what does this have to do with you? And me?" I ask. This is a lot to take in, the biggest that werewolves actually exist. I mean, I saw it with my own eyes, sort of, how can I not believe they're real?

"Well, I am the Alpha Queen."


She smiles at my reaction. "Yes, I am the Alpha Queen. My parents were the previous King and Queen. It was weird though, because usually in the royalty, a boy is born first to be the next king, but as you can see, I was the only child."

"Oh..." I have no idea what to say to that.

"Werewolves also have this thing called their mate. When werewolves turn eighteen, they find their mate. This person could be werewolf or human, and it is supposed to be the person they spend the rest of their lives with. A soulmate basically. But a mate can choose to reject the other, in which case the bond between them is broken."

"Okay... And was Dad your mate?" I ask. Her body tenses at the mention if him.

"Uh...yes. But he was human, and I didn't know when or how to tell him about werewolves, and how I was the queen, so I never did. We had this argument about he didn't like me having to travel for "work" all the time, when you and your brother were still little and-"

"Wait, I thought you said the first born becomes king or queen or whatever. Jason was born before me. He's like five years older than me."

"Yes, that is true, but he wasn't born with the mark."

"The mark?"

She nods her head and stands up. I stay seated as I watch her turn her back to me and pushed her hair aside. On the back of her neck, is a birthmark, shaped exactly like a crown.

My eyes widen and I pick up my left leg and see the exact same mark on the inside of my ankle.

"When your brother was born I asked your father to get me something to drink, and while he was gone, I searched for the birthmark on him, but didn't find it, so I knew I'd have to conceive another child. But your father wasn't ready yet, so we had to wait a few years to have you. And you have the birthmark.

"You're going to be the next Alpha Queen of the werewolves."

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