Chapter 1

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"Run faster!" my dad yells as he looks behind us at the three gigantic wolves currently chasing after us. I push my legs to run faster, but I'm starting to fall behind. My mom and older brother are in the lead with Dad right behind them, but I'm falling behind fast. Dad looks back once again and what he does next would change my life forever.

He pushes me back with so much force that I fall over and roll to a stop in front of the three angry, growling wolves. They stop chasing my mom, dad and brother, and instead start circling me.

Their next prey.

I whimper as tears roll down my cheeks and I gaze up at them while I lay on my back, completely still. One of the wolves, the biggest one, which has all black fur, starts closing in, and I turn my head away and shut my eyes tight. I wait to feel the pain of long, sharp teeth pierce my body, but it never comes. After maybe five minutes of thinking he just wanted to take his time and look at his next meal, I slowly peel open my eyes and look straight into the wolf's eyes. His face is right in front of mine and he's growling softly. I furrow my eyebrows and widen my eyes as he does something else, completely unexpected.

He licks my face.

I flinch as he does so, and cower away from him. He steps back a few steps and then lays down, still staring at me.

I'm so confused.

The other wolves walk over and sit beside him.

All three of them continue to stare at me, as if waiting for me to do something.

I slowly get up, on my knees first, and wobbly stand on my legs. I can't feel practically my whole body anymore, due to the fact that I was just laying in the snow, and we were just being chased by wolves in like zero degree weather.

Once I'm stable on my feet, the three wolves get up as well. I start backing away slowly, but the two wolves, which both have grey, black and white fur, but one has more white, walk closer to me. I know I can't run, so I freeze completely and watch as the one with more white fur comes behind me and gently nudges my leg with it's snout.

I stumble forward, and the second wolf comes in front of me to steady me.

I'm more confused. And still scared.

The black wolf, who I'm guessing is like the leader or something, starts walking back into the dense woods, and I'm pushed again from the wolf behind me. I start walking slowly, and the two wolves each stand on one side of me and walk with me. Once the black wolf reaches the edge of the trees, he turns back and growls lowly. The two wolves beside me bark, and then they move behind me and start nudging me with their snouts. I walk faster, thinking, hoping that's what they meant, and they stay behind me as we get closer to the black wolf.

Once we're right behind him, the wolf turns back around and starts walking through the thick snow.

It starts becoming hard for me to walk, as the snow is more than ankle deep, and I'm getting weaker every second.

Once I fall the second time in the snow, I just give up and lay there. I can feel the wolves nudging me to get up, but I can't move anymore.

Suddenly I'm being dragged through the snow, and in minutes, I'm surrounded by warmth. My body then decides to fall into a deep sleep.


When I wake up, I feel really warm. I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm in a small cave.

Surrounded by wolves.

My breathing quickens as I look at the ten or so wolves all around me. I adjust my body slightly, which causes one of the wolves closer to me to wake up. I freeze as I watch the wolf yawn, with its huge, sharp teeth, and then stretches a little in its spot.

When it sees me awake, it wags its tail and barks. I jump at the sound, and as I look around, I notice all the wolves getting up and staring at me.

I stare back at them, not knowing what to do.

A sudden wetness on my cheek makes me look to the left, and I see a small wolf pup wagging it's tail, and it licks my face again. I smile at its cuteness, and momentarily forget about the pack of wolves staring at me as I start petting the baby wolf.

I here a growl and I quickly look over to see the black wolf walking towards me, while the other wolves sort of make a path for him.

Then I notice the huge piece of meat that's in his mouth. He drops it on top of my outstretched legs and pushes it slightly with its snout. Then it sits and stares at me.

The wolf pup gets up and stalks toward the huge slab of meat on my leg, but the black wolf growls warningly, and the wolf pup backs up and sits beside me.

I continue to stare at the black wolf, unsure of what he wants me to do. He suddenly gets up, picks up the raw, bloody meat with his teeth, and then drops it on my thighs this time.

Realization dawns on me.

He wants me to eat it.

I slowly pick it up and try not to vomit at the sight and stench of the bloody meat. I slowly bite off a small piece of meat, and the black wolf wags his tail.

I try not to gag as I chew the piece of meat in my mouth and swallow it. I shudder as it goes down my throat.

It tastes disgusting.

The black wolf seems satisfied though as he walks away, still wagging his tail.

I decide I should eat though, even though it's disgusting, because it feels like I haven't eaten in forever.

So much to the dismay of my taste buds, I continue to eat the raw meat until it's about half way done. I give the other half to the pup, who watched me the whole time as I ate.

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