Chapter Nineteen

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Third Person's P.O.V

"Who the fu*k are you?" Arjun asked clenching his jaw.

"Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is what I want...from you." He said.

"What do you want?" Arjun asked him.

This was getting out hand. He was sure he was not going to like whatever he is going to ask him now.

"I want your pretty girlfriend, Navya. You think you can give her to me?" That person asked laughing maniacally.

"I'll fu*king kill you if you take her name with your bloody mouth." Arjun growled in warning.

He was controlling himself from doing anything rash. He has to.

"Ahh, I can see that you really love her. Well, that would be useful for me when I kidnap the ones who you love. It will painful to watch right?" He said.

"Why are you doing this to me? Are you one of my business enemies?" Arjun asked.

How the hell does he know so much about me. Arjun wondered.

"You will know...soon." He said and hung up.

Arjun was perplexed. He felt trapped.

He knew he had to talk to Reyansh as soon as possible. He couldn't afford to lose his loved ones.

"Arghh..."? He shouted in annoyance, clutching his hair tightly.

He picked up his phone and called Reyansh.

"Hello Rey, that person called me. I am scared something will happen to Navya because my me and my mistakes. I don't know what to do. Can we meet?" Arjun asked him.

He was emotionally drained and the only thing he wanted to do now was to sleep.

He scoffed knowing that even while sleeping he couldn't be in peace because of those horrific nightmares which haunted him and made his life a living hell.

"Okay I'll be there in 30 minutes." Reyansh said.

Arjun closed his and rubbed his temple, sighing in annoyance. What he really needed now was a good massage and good night sleep.

He rested his forehead sleoly on his table when he suddenly heard a knock coming from the other side of the door.

"Come in." He answered, knowing it was Navya on the other side.

She slowly entered and looked around the room before resting her eyes on Arjun who was now staring at her intently.

"Uh I just wanted to ask you if you took your medicines." Navya asked wringing her hands together.

"Yeah. Thank you for taking care of me." Arjun said smiling hesitantly.

Navya gave him a gentle smile in return and turned around to leave when she noticed his hands going towards his forehead repeatedly.

She slowly walked towards where he sat and stood behind him.

Arjun looked at her perplexed and raised his eyebrows as if asking her what she was doing.

Navya slowly stared pressing his temple and his forehead earning a groan of satisfaction from him.

"Would you like to take a quick nap before lunch?" She asked him softly.

He looked at her for a few seconds and slowly nodded his head.

They both walked into his room and she sat down on his king size bed with Arjun's head in her lap.

Meant To Be Yours [MTBS #2] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now