Chapter 20

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You stood in the bathroom. Repositioning yourself, it was hard to walk.

While it was getting easier to walk a bit, you still had to request for crutches.

It had been a few days now.

Kira had been getting more and more touchy with you.

He was smothering you with love and it just disgusted you.

He even helped you walk around the house.

You had managed to hide away a knife you had found in the kitchen.

Violet was still her crazy self.

But lately she seemed angrier and angrier.

Whatever she was mad about, she was taking it out on you.

The other day she had shoved you to the ground and kicked you in the back.

She was also taking care of herself less and less.

Her hair seemed disheveled and her eyes seemed more and more gone.

While you knew she probably wanted to just kill you by this point, it was actually making things easier for you.

As for Aiden.. well you hadn't seen him in days.

Maybe he was dead.

You sigh and hobble to bathroom door.

It opens and Kira smiles at you.

But it's in pain.

You had been suspecting that he was close to having a heart attack.

The symptoms seemed to add up.

It kind of thrilled you.

Maybe then, you wouldn't to kill the dumbass.

"I brought you the pepperoni pizza you wanted". Kira said helping you to a small table he had set up.

He had a plate with two slices of pepperoni pizza, and some of your favorite soda.

You sat down and started to eat as you watched Kira.

He was closing his eyes in pain.

"Actually, I'm going to the doctor today. I'm leaving right now. So I asked Violet to keep an eye on you". He said barely smiling now.

Sweat poured down his forehead and you nearly laughed.

"Ok. See you later".

Kira kisses your forehead and walks away.

The bedroom opened and Violet walks in with a scowl.

She grabs Kira and whispers in his ear.

He lets out an exhausted sigh.

"You're going to have to take care of it. I'll help when I come back. Don't hurt Y/N". He warns and leaves.

The door closes and the birds chirp outside.


Violet walks over to you and looks down at your food.

"You know, you really shouldn't be eating pizza. So bad for you". She remarks then grabs the plate.

She throws it to the ground.

You watch as your pizza goes flying and then skidding to a stop.

Now you were pissed.

You glare at her and she grabs your face.

"I know you're trying to escape, you better not fucking push it. Or you'll end up just like Aiden". She breathes out and hits you.

She then laughs as her phone rings.

Picking it up, she listens to whatever the other person was saying.

"Fine. I'll be right there." She snaps.

Tossing the phone, she repeatedly stamps on it.

Girl had some major anger issues.

"I'll be right back. If you move I'll make sure your death is very painful".

She then runs out and you lay back in bed.

Maybe you should just finish your pizza.

"Or not". You mutter as manage to pin the small hairpin you had hidden.

You managed to pick the lock on the chain and felt a rush of relief when it worked.

Guess this shit worked in real life.

Or you were just really lucky.

As you stand up, you wince in pain.

It was going to be a long day.

Meanwhile, at Michaels apartment, he hands a beer to the person who was staring at him in exhaustion.

His face was bruised, his hair nearly shaved off, the disgusting burns visible on his nearly naked skin.

It was Aiden.

And he had just escaped Death himself.

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