Chapter 17

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Michael stood in the dark, puffing on his cigarette.

What the serious fuck

He exhaled, an air of smoke blowing in front of his face.

Ever since he had accepted this job, he wasn't sure he wanted to do this anymore.

Plus he did owe his ex lover.

He dropped his cigarette and put it out with his foot.

The problem with this whole thing was how Kira was a step ahead of him.

Fucking little shit.

When Damon had sent him all the information on Kira, well he was shocked.

Kira and his family were nothing more then hit men.

But, it also didn't help how crazy Kira was.

There were reports of him from his old schools.

Even one from a mental institution.

He was completely nuts.

Y/N had involved herself with one crazy ass mother fucker.

Michael stared up at the dark house.

Seems like they had left already.


He was also 100% sure Damon wasn't alive.

He scowled and walked towards his motorcycle.

A few years ago, he had met Damon just by pure chance.

They ended up being a relationship for about a year.

It was the worst thing ever.

Damon himself was extremely depressed and just didn't seem human.

For awhile, he never spoke of what it was that was clouding his mind to Michael.

When he finally did he had begged Michael for his help.

To help put an end to Violet and Kira.

To save the girl called Y/N.

And Michael had numbly agreed.

Michael put on his helmet and felt tears well up.

God damn. He couldn't cry now.

If there was one thing he could do now, was just find poor Y/N.

After all, he had made a promise with Damon.

And as he rode off he cried silently.

Stupid ass Damon. Having to die and leave him to deal with all this shit.

While Michael was riding out, on the other side of the town, Kira was watching you sleep.

He was really worried about you.

You slept all the time now.

He thought of even calling a doctor until Aiden had reminded him of his stupidity.

Kira laid himself next to you.

You were all currently at Aiden's home.

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