Chapter 15

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You wake up drowsy and out of it.

You could hear talking around you.

Sitting up you feel nauseated and just dizzy.

As everything comes into view, you look around.

You were in a cage. A very large one. Just perfect for any human.

As you try to stand up, you feel something locking your legs in place.

Chains. You had chains on both of your legs.

You gasp and tug on them.

"Oh she's awake". Sang a voice and a light was shined in your face.

"Arlo stop pointing your flashlight on her".

"Sorry". Came a giggle and the light was switched off.

You see it's Arlo, grinning and giving you a wave.

"A-Arlo?" You whisper.

"Hi Beautiful". Came a familiar voice next to him.

It was Kira. Smiling and staring at you.

"What is this? Why am I in a cage?" You say looking around in a panic.

"Cause you would try to run away". Came a voice to your right drawling out in amusement.

You look and see it's Aiden.

He's crouched down and grabbing the bars of the cage.

He gives it a shake and you gasp.

Laughing, he sits back, his phone in the air.

What the hell was going on?!

"Sorry if we scared you. Aidens right though. We can't have you running away again. You know, it upset me that you tried that". Kira said crouching down as well.

"I thought you were going to help me. Why are you doing this?!" You cry out glaring at him.

Kira's smile disappears from his face.

"You're mine. You always have been. How dare you, think that you can just leave. I was trying to be so nice". He says staring into your eyes.

You shiver, his eyes were hungry, they looked so awful.

"She's not just yours. She's all of ours". Someone snaps and comes into view.


She also had her phone out and was taking pictures of you.

Like a monkey in a cage.

"Hi". She says giggling at your horrified expression.

"Why? Why Violet?" You say shrinking back.

"Because I can, because you're everything. But like Kira said, you tried to leave. And honestly that warrants a punishment". She says lowering her phone.

Aiden whistles and pokes you with what looked like a stick.

"I say Kira and I rape her. She won't forget that pain". Aiden laughs in delight.

You scramble to the other side of the cage.

"No".  Yell both Violet and Kira, glaring at Aiden.

Aiden pouts and throws his stick away.

"Not that I'm not completely against that. But I'm not letting Aiden do it". Snarls Kira clenching his fists.

"Look, I say we just torture her, just like we agreed before". Violet says thoughtfully and the other perk up.

Arlo gets an excited look on his face and runs out of the room.

Aiden stands up and goes to follow him.

Your heart was pounding so hard.

Your legs were shaking in fear.

Kira smiles at you and watches your legs.

"Don't worry, we don't do anything too bad. Just something to remind you next time you want to leave".

He walks out of view until only Violet remained.

You were trying hard not to cry as she looks over your body.

"I'll give you something lacy and sexy to wear. After everything is done of course. You would look great in  pink. I always said it was your color". She says letting out another giggle.

Kira reappears with a whip in his hands.

"Ohh kinky". Violet says in admiration.

He gives her an exasperated look.

Aiden and Arlo are back now too.

Arlo has some knives and what looks like a taser.

Aiden was carrying a huge brown duffel bag.

He sets the bag down and takes something out.

Blood was still dripping down.

It was Damon's head.

You scream and scream.

Damon's wide eyes stare into yours.

Aiden laughs and yells, "Time for some fun!"

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