Chapter 11

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"Hey, you sure you're okay? I figured your phone died. You wanna FaceTime?"

It was from Violet.

You stare frustrated at the phone screen.

You were not in the right state of mind to deal with her.

"Nah I'm good. I got to clean up the house today. And yeah haha my phone died. Old iPhones suck".

Sighing, you take out the small journal from your nightstand.

While not exactly the best plan, you figured you could ask help from him.

Him being a very old acquaintance from long ago.

Damon Reed.

Years ago, you had almost become his friend, that was until his obsession with Violet went south.

He showed up at her house one night, screaming and just being absolute batshit.

His parents sent him to a mental institution for awhile.

You knew he was back living in his old home.

You really didn't want too set him off again. But you figured there wasn't much choice left.

Damon had been the only obsessed guy who never tried to harm you.

You jot down

"Call Harry"

Then close the book and stash it away smiling now a bit.

This was too have anybody who would read the book feel confused.

When you were kids, you and Damon had given each other aliases.

Harry and Izzy.

It was silly but the two of you would pretend to have different, glamorous lives.

That was before he went crazy though.

Nobody would know what it meant.

You go on your facebook next and see that you still had his old profile.

If you were lucky, he still used it.

Sending out a short and brief message, you put down your phone.

Then go back down to Kira.

"Hey sorry. Violet was texting me". You say trying to sound apologetic as you entered.

Kira had already washed and put everything away.

"No problem".

"Actually Kira, Ive decided you're right, I should trust you more. I guess I'm just confused with everything that's all". You say as Kira gives you a reassuring smile.

He gives you a hug.

"I know. I'm here for you". He says into your shoulder.

You clear you throat and he backs off still smiling.

"Do you mind if I just hang out alone today? I have chores to do.." You trail off.

"Oh! Sure, no problem. I gotta go home anyways. My brother Arlo wants to play Skyrim with me". He says sounding excited.

After a small chat and another hug, Kira leaves waving.

When he's gone, you rub your eyes.

You needed to work on getting in touch with Damon.

And start packing away everything.

Going upstairs, you pause on the first step.

How did Violet figure your phone had died?

And why had Kira said that he couldn't tell you everything?

Was there a chance these two were working together?

Especially, with that unknown text, it was all way too suspicious.

You couldn't trust any of them, you needed to just get the hell out.

While you were packing and making a list of other things you might need, the doorbell rang again.

Annoyed, you head downstairs and open the door.

There was a package.

All it said in large printed letters were , "For Y/N"

What the?

You cautiously carry the package inside.

A bad feeling rising inside you.

Opening it slowly, you peek in.

And scream dropping the box.

It was a hand.

Clean cut, and laying there .

You knew whose hand it was too.

You recognized the expensive ring.

It was your moms.

The Other Girl  (Yandere Males)Where stories live. Discover now