Chapter 20

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Leilani had never snuck out before. She assumed Carter was just going to call. But, she never really knew with him. Carter was sort of like a wild card. She'd learned that about him when he invited her mother to his barbecue... and she actually showed up.

Leilani ate dinner with her mother as she intended to do. She kissed her good night and was sure to listen out for her mothers light snores. Leilani didn't want to make too much noise getting ready, so she figured it best to just wait until her mother croaked.

As soon as her mother was out, she took a quick shower. Leilani didn't care much for her appearance tonight so she threw on a pair of jeans and a white v-neck. She slipped her feet into some sandals and stood outside, waiting for Carter.

Carter arrived about five minutes later. This time, he drove his electric blue corvette and ditched the company car. Leilani was impressed.

"I just want to start off by saying, I apologize for everything. You didn't deserve to be lied to and honestly, I could have just told you about Rachel." Carter let out, skipping over traditional greetings.

"Carter, it's fine. You don't need to lie to me. All is forgiven." Leilani reassures him, plastering on a smile. She was over the Rachel thing. And she was tired of hearing about this woman. "If I ask you something, I'd just like for you to give me an honest answer."

"Okay. No more lies." Carter tells her, locking his eyes onto hers. They both leaned in for the sweetest kiss. It started off slow, then Carter began biting her bottom lip, which led to their tongues dancing.

Leilani came to a halt. She had to tell Carter about her mother's rules.

How were they supposed to do this?

"You know, my mother really isn't okay with this." Leilani tells Carter, sighing. She gave him a pitiful look.

"But you are," Carter replies easily. "Look, you can't keep living your life according to your mother. You will never be happy this way."

Leilani looked away. Carter was right. She'd never be happy. And she wanted her own happiness.

"You're right," Leilani sighed. Carter placed his hand on her cheek, caressing it softly before pulling her face back to his for a kiss.

"I know!" He exclaimed, starting the engine. Leilani raised her eyebrows. "Where are we going?" She wanted to know. "Shhh, wait and see." He tells her, pulling off.

Thirty minutes later they arrived back at Carters house. Leilani knew it was risky to be this far from home but she was slowly starting to loosen up. She's an adult; she wanted to live a little.

There were two plates covered with silver lids as well as two empty glasses accompanied by a bottle of red wine.

"I figured we'd have a late dinner and some drinks. Is that alright, dear?" Carter double checked with Leilani. He didn't need to ask. She assumed he'd know her answer.

Yes, of course!

Leilani nodded eagerly, taking her seat at the kitchen island. Carter poured them a glass and turned on the blues.

"You listen to this kind of music?" Leilani wiggled her eyebrows up at him as she prepared to take a sip. "Oh, dear. You have no idea how much I love the blues." Carter informed her.

"Yeah? How did you get into it?" Leilani pondered. Carter stopped eating and thought deeply. "Well, after my last wife, I spent a lot of time at this bar on the other side of town. I was really broken after the divorce..." he trailed off, reminiscing.

Carter cleared his throat before continuing. Leilani could see the pain developing within his face. She didn't want to bring up the past but she also didn't want to interrupt him.

Also, Leilani really wanted to know. This was her way of getting to know Carter. This was her way of learning what not to do. But even better, how to help heal him.

"I didn't want anyone I knew to see me down and out. It was in a diverse neighborhood. Every Friday I would have the company car drop me off for the blues night." Carter paused and smiled. "I loved hearing the epiphone guitars, the saxophone, and the piano all come together. And there was this big bellied guy who I found to be oh-so captivating with his voice."

Carter peeped at Leilani through his peripherals, he didn't want her to think he was in love with the man.

"The lyrics I related to a bit too much. I ended up loving the blues." Carter relayed, simply.

Leilani smiled, placing her hand on top of it, giving it a light squeeze. "Wow, that was something."

Leilani's heart only grew fonder. She was developing intense feelings for this man. And in the back of her mind, she kept thinking about school. In a few weeks, she would be heading off to college... on the other side of the states.

She wondered if Carter remembered that this would end sooner than later. Theirs office rendezvous would also end. Leilani would no longer be available for breakfast before work or a late night dinner at his glass house.

Leilani also did not want to remind him. However, there was parts of her that wondered if he remembered too.

She hoped he did.

They went back to their plates and glasses. Leilani's mouth watered at the sight of her steak, mash, and seafood mac n cheese. She wondered where Carter learned to cook.

After a few hours, Leilani looked at the time on her phone and figured it was time to head out.

"Thank you." Leilani finally spoke as they arrived back at her house.

"Anytime, darling." Carter lifted her hand and kissed it.

Leilani kept checking to make sure the lights were off in her house. She was contemplating climbing through her window instead of walking through the front door. She hadn't quite decided yet.

"Helloooooooo," Carter waved his hands in front of her face, snapping her back to reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She giggled lightly. "Yes?" She answered him, finally.

"I just wanted to say..." Carter began.

Leilani looked Carter deep in the eyes, searching for his words right along with him.

"I love you."

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