Chapter 33

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Leilani and Zach definitely were not friends. Leilani made that very clear after every two or three sentences. It was important to her that Leilani consistently reiterated it to them both.

Leilani wasn't even sure how she had been able to withstand his presence.

Not too long ago, Leilani wanted all parties involved to be held responsible for their attempted takedown of her relationship with Carter.

She still hadn't heard a word from him. And what was even worse about the situation was that he was sitting on the other side of the lounge in the VIP. Leilani knew a few of the investors who surrounded him at the table.

Leilani kept trying to subtly catch his gaze but their eyes never met. She did this only when Zach looked away but decided to give it up.

"See, all done." Zach finally intervened.

Leilani wasn't sure what exactly he was referring to. The third martini she had sipped to its end or the manuscript she had assumed he had finished for her.

Zach capped the highlight and ink pen, closed the manuscript, and placed it neatly back inside its Manila envelope.

Before Leilani could speak, he held up his hands.

"I wish I could somehow do more. I don't think today has been enough to suffice as an apology for my silliness with Sally."

Leilani huffed. "I have no interest in speaking on that matter."

It was the truth. Leilani didn't want to. She was over the work drama. She'd never been in a hoax like this before.

"I'm over it." Leilani laughed it off. This unbelievable drama, she joked to herself. Who'd really believe this if she told them? Ha!

"Oh, now it's funny?" Zach pandered, rubbing his chin between his fingers, cracking a smile.

"A little bit."

Zach finally ordered himself another drink, meeting Leilani at a fourth. They both threw in the towel there, chit chatting between sips.

Normally, Leilani wouldn't be this exposed. She for sure didn't mention being anything more than a pupil to Carter,

And she definitely didn't mention anything about her love life to Zach.

The two of them also kept Sally out of it.

Leilani expressed her end goals of her internship with the company; to be offered a part-time role at their location near her school.

Zach looped Leilani into his as well. He was returning to school when his summer employment was over. Zach's father had a digital media company that partnered with Carter's.

Zach wasn't a writer but more of a digital illustrator. Zach works with authors who have dull covers or need to spice up their literature with more visually appealing material.

Leilani would've never known.

Was Zach cool? Oh, god.

"I can't draw to save my life." Leilani giggled, in disbelief upon hearing about all of his talents.

"It's not hard..." Zach trailed off, picking up one of Leilani's pens and began marking up one of the lounge napkins.

Leilani kept her eyes up, admiring her surroundings. The cities lights beaming in she watched everyone's interactions. Their smiles, them taking selfies with each other, and whistles to the waiters for more drinks.

Leilani's eyes nearly burst looking at the time.


"Geez, I really have to go." Leilani hopped down from the bar stool, almost falling over.

The effects of drinking those damn martinis.

The consequences of underage drinking.

Leilani hurriedly soothed out her clothing and packed her things, running towards the elevator.

"Wait, let me help you." Zach called after her, grabbing the manuscripts she unintentionally left behind. That would have been a terrible look if she'd showed up tomorrow without them.

Zach escorted Leilani back to her cubicle to drop off the manuscripts.

She leaned on him for support.


Leilani had underestimated the amount of liquor she had actually drank and what it was doing to her.

They walked out of the building with their arms locked, Leilani making it to the bus stop six minutes before its scheduled arrival.

"You're a real life Cinderella." Zach playfully joked, nudging Leilani gently. If he did that again, she may have tipped over.

"You finally get to see my pumpkin!" Leilani cheered, causing them both to erupt into laughter.

Zach frowned a little before quickly bringing his expression back to a smile, looking Leilani deeply into her eyes.

"You deserve so much more than this." Zach almost whispered. For a second Leilani wanted to... no way.

When the bus arrived, it shocked Leilani even more when Zach joined her.

Maybe, he was Cinderella.

Leilani didn't question anything else. They found an empty row and plopped into it.

It wasn't long before Leilani's bus arrived at its stop. Leilani was super ecstatic that it was only across the street from her building.

When Leilani arrived home, she dug around in her purse for her cellphone, pulling out her planner and a few other items as well.

She noticed a phone number on a sticky note against it. Zach.

Leilani wasn't mad about it. Her opinions of him had quickly changed. He wasn't such a creep after all, he was quite useful actually.

Leilani found her cellphone.

Leilani: ur not so bad.

Zach: omg. Is this who I think it is???

Leilani really didn't know how to respond to that. Why is this man so silly?

Leilani: lol yea, it's me. Thnx for the drinks.

Zach: no problem... are you feeling okay?

What were the dots for?

Leilani: yes, I'm fine.

Zach: I'm happy to hear that.

Leilani didn't know what to text back.

Just then, another notification pinged her phone. It was him again.

Zach: Goodnight, Cinderella.

Leilani smiled.

Leilani: See you tomorrow.

It didn't occur to Leilani that Carter still hadn't reached out or returned any of her phone calls. At this point she didn't know if he was genuinely busy or avoiding the hell out of her.

What Leilani did know was that Zach was incredibly refreshing. He was becoming a friend she didn't know she needed.

Perhaps, this time without Carter was good for her.

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