Chapter 13

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When Rachel left Carter's office, Leilani's heart sank. She had so many questions.

How did he meet Rachel? Did it start out as an interview as well?

How long has he known Rachel?

Did he sleep with Rachel? If so, how many times?

Was it an office thing? Did he wine and dine Rachel too?

Leilani left her thoughts at bay and tried to focus on the task at hand: responding to emails. She didn't want her day to be centered around Carter... which she soon realized was kind of impossible since he was technically her boss.

Glenda pinged Leilani's office phone. She huffed, knowing already that it was Carter doing this. "Mr. Vanderbilt would like the letters from the publishing company, now." Glenda spoke into the phone.

"Right on it." Leilani knew what Glenda was referring to. When authors sign with the company, Carter has his assistant type out "personal" letters from him on behalf of the company. He skims through the letters and then signs off on them.

Leilani dug into her briefcase and retrieved the folder with the letters.

Before she left her cubicle to deliver them, she used her phones camera touch up her make up and reapply lipstick.

She stood outside Carters office door. Her thoughts ran laps through her mind. She wasn't expecting to see him so soon.

Leilani pushed the office door open, pressing her body against it once inside. She took a deep breath and swallowed the knot in her throat. "Mr. Vanderbilt... the letters..." Leilani trailed off foolishly. She knew for certain her words were more like blurbs.

Carter looked so handsome today. Well, he looked handsome everyday. But for some reason, he looked even better now that Leilani was trying to distance herself from him. This was definitely going to be a challenge.

"Um, everything alright?" She heard his voice, followed by a whistle. Leilani blinked herself out of her thoughts and back into reality.

"Mhm," Leilani kept it short, handing over the letters. She even kept her eyes on the floor.

"Did I do something?" Carter wondered, making his way over to Leilani.

"I know about you and Rachel." Leilani finally let out. It sounded and felt like word vomit. Just the thought of him with her made her sick to her stomach. 

Carter, taken aback by Leilani's sudden words, gave Leilani a look of pity and returned to his desk. Seriously? Leilani thought to herself. No explanation? 

She watched him plop down in his office chair and begin typing away at his computer. "Carter," Leilani called out to him in a stern tone. She needed answers. He finally looked up at her and sighed. "You're not going to say anything?" Leilani questioned, foolishly. 

"There is no me and Rachel." Carter answered, simply. 

"So, there's no way that baby could be yours?" Leilani asked.

Carter cackled. He literally laughed in Leilani's face. "Are you kidding me?" He ran his hand across his face and scoffed. "Do you want to know how these rumors started?" 

Leilani nodded. 

"There was a night, while everyone was up at the company lounge," Carter recited the story. "I was drinking alone at the bar and Rachel found me. She ordered a glass of wine but somehow misplaced her wallet. She said she'd pay me back so, I paid for her drink. We talked over the drinks at the bar and that was it." Carter explained. 

Leilani's jaw dropped. She was embarrassed. She felt young and dumb. And she also felt like a fool for feeding into the work gossip and possibly ruining what she has going with Carter. 

"I am so incredibly sorry, Carter. I shouldn't have listened to-" Leilani started apologizing but Carter cut off her speech. 

"Come here," Carter motioned for Leilani to come sit on his lap. She complied, immediately melting as they came body to body. "You are something else." He jokes, wrapping his arms around Leilani's waist. 

Leilani suddenly and slowly felt Carters lips on her neck and one of his hands running along her thigh. It took a while for her to realize where they were and who could possibly be watching. By then, Carter hand already hand his hand beneath her blouse, attempting to unhook her bra. 

"Carter," She whisper yelled. Leilani had stopped him just in time. "What?" He asked, a bit disoriented. He was sort of in a daze. "We're at work." Leilani reminded him. Behind Leilani's back, Carter rolled his eyes. He didn't care. He was the boss, for crying out loud! He would let everyone go home early even if it only gave him two minutes alone with Leilani. 

"I don't care!" Carter said a little too loud. Leilani laughed. 

"You are a mad man." Leilani tells him, smiling. They locked eyes and shared a kiss. "I'm going back to work. Leilani fixed her outfit and sashayed out of Carters office.

Carter let out a deep breath, guilt starting to cloud his thoughts. He'd just lied to Leilani. He didn't need his past with Rachels implementing insecurities within Leilani.

The truth was that he had been in Rachel's sheets a handful of times after his divorce. Carter had stopped sleeping with Rachel after feeling bad for Rachels husband. He had been cheated on and didn't want any karma for what he was doing. 

When Rachel came into his office today, he thought about Leilani and didn't want Rachel floating around, potentially tainting their relationship. Carter offered Rachel early maternal leave but without a date to return to work.

Rachel signed the contract. 

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